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jo_banana Terms and Conditions

©2006 All Rights Reserved.

In consideration of the sums and the mutual convenants and conditions hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows:

1. USE OF SERVICE - Viewer agrees to comment the owner's page and therefore are tied into giving five comments per week. Viewer is obligated to view and comment any blogs and/or pictures posted by the site owner.

2. Terms - The Service Term of this Agreement shall be specified by the owner and/or the viewer. Therefore, unless the viewer or owener decided to terminate the agreement, the agreement will be refreshed on a monnth-to-month basis. Notice of termination by viewer is not needed. The agreement can be terminated by owner without notice.

3. Viewing - This agreement entitles the viewer to view the page any time and anywhere.

4. General Commenting - In addition to viewing the viewer is obligated, as stated in the above, to comment a minimum of 5 general comments per week. Failure to do so will lead to termination of this agreement by the owner at no notice. Otherwise, if compramised, the owner may grant grace periods and chances to viewer. Other fees and chargers may be applied to the viewer if he/she fails to meet the sub-contract.

5. Blog Commenting - All blogs are written and thought out by owner. Comments are required to keep agreement fresh. Failure to comment blogs will result in "no-comment-back" from the owner. In other words, owner has the right to not comment the viewer.

6. Picture Commenting - All pictures in the picture section of the site is owned by the site owner. Viewer shall not take picture without any written permission. Viewer must comment pictures upon the site owner's request. Failure to do so will have the viewer terminated from the "friend-list".

ok ok, so that's all fake, but what the heck, it's good to add humor. peace out!


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