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Jayden Xaneros Darkholme

Name: Jayden Darkholme Race: Angel/Human Hair: Brown (Shoulder-length) Eyes: Hazel/Green Age: 22 Height/Weight: 6' 2'' 175 lbs. He wears personally crafted armour made from dwarven steel. His father was the angel Xanderos, who fell to Earth during a great battle of the Gods. His mother, a wealthy land-owner's daughter, nursed him back to health and treated his wounds. Being immortal his father knew his wounds weren't fatal, but he let this beautiful human 'play doctor' anyways. After a year his father was recalled to the Heavens and his mother was six months pregnant. His father asked to be stripped of his immortality so he could be with the woman he loved and his unborn child. But, alas, the Gods do not allow their minions to resign. His father was killed by his patron deity and thrown back to Earth like so much chattle. His mother wept over her lover's body and buried him behind their cottage in the hills. Eight years later Jayden stumbled upon his father Xanderos' sword. He asked his mother and she told him about his father, the great immortal warrior who was slayed for being in love by his master. Jayden decided that day to take up his father's sword and seek revenge for the sire he never knew. Today, Jayden travels through the country, asking, searching, learning. Always finding new ways to better his fighting skills. He is by no means the perfect warrior, but he can hold his own in a battle, a war, or a bar-room brawl. Jayden has a long scar across his cheek from a fight with a demon when he was eighteen, the demon had lured him into a warehouse with the bait of information about his father's killer. But when he arrived a host of demons, imps and all manner of devils lunged at him. He nearly died, but found a hole in the wall to slip through and dragged himself to the nearest chemist/surgeon. He carries the scar as a reminder to never become careless again.