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oOMxPxOo02 (9:56:33 PM): hey ror, i respect your decision, i just want to know why you don't want to ever talk to me again
oOMxPxOo02 (9:59:06 PM): if you can do the liberty of just at least letting me know, that's all I really want.
RdRuner303 (9:59:54 PM): ?
oOMxPxOo02 (10:00:00 PM): ?
oOMxPxOo02 (10:00:04 PM): Why don't you want to talk to me
oOMxPxOo02 (10:02:00 PM): Can you tell me?
RdRuner303 (10:03:22 PM): tell you what?

RdRuner303 (10:03:28 PM): what do you want ?

oOMxPxOo02 (10:03:29 PM): why you wont talk to me
RdRuner303 (10:03:39 PM): why do you keep calling me?
oOMxPxOo02 (10:04:00 PM): Because I called you to "keep in touch" and then erynt old me that you told mile that I caleld and you werent going to return it
RdRuner303 (10:05:12 PM): i told you to not call me again
oOMxPxOo02 (10:05:19 PM): When did you tell me that?
oOMxPxOo02 (10:05:27 PM): I haven't talked to you since we talked online rory
RdRuner303 (10:07:07 PM): stop telling eryn to tell me things too i dont care
oOMxPxOo02 (10:07:21 PM): You never said don't call me ever again
oOMxPxOo02 (10:07:28 PM): and if you did, why would you say that?
RdRuner303 (10:07:34 PM): since the last time i saw you thats when
RdRuner303 (10:07:35 PM): okay so goodbye
RdRuner303 (10:07:35 PM): dont mean to be rude but thats the only way to make it clear to you
oOMxPxOo02 (10:07:42 PM): You said you'd be friends
RdRuner303 (10:08:29 PM): well jon sorry but we arent friends
oOMxPxOo02 (10:08:47 PM): Why though, what did I do to you?
RdRuner303 (10:09:21 PM): jon
RdRuner303 (10:09:21 PM): stop
RdRuner303 (10:09:25 PM): ok?
oOMxPxOo02 (10:09:33 PM): I don't get it, why don't you want to know me?
oOMxPxOo02 (10:09:49 PM): You can go out with m e for over a year and then just be like "we're not friends"?
oOMxPxOo02 (10:09:55 PM): How did I do you wrong?
RdRuner303 (10:10:29 PM): bye
oOMxPxOo02 (10:10:32 PM): give the necklace back ok
oOMxPxOo02 (10:10:33 PM): mail it back
RdRuner303 (10:11:24 PM): jon stop talking to me
oOMxPxOo02 (10:11:47 PM): I will just give me it back, I won't feel like I gave something to a stranger.
RdRuner303 (10:12:14 PM): i dont need to answer those questions over and over again
oOMxPxOo02 (10:12:49 PM): Over and over? Rory, last time i talked, you called me looking for someone to talk to when you weren't feeling right... now, you don't want to talk to me at all
RdRuner303 (10:14:46 PM): excuse me would you please stop iming me?
oOMxPxOo02 (10:15:03 PM): Fine, say y ou'll mail it back, and we're no more than strangers
RdRuner303 (10:15:38 PM): what?
RdRuner303 (10:15:42 PM): goodbye
oOMxPxOo02 (10:15:44 PM): Mail it the hell back
oOMxPxOo02 (10:15:46 PM): and we're through
RdRuner303 signed off at 10:15:46 PM.