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Song page

Yo this is my webpage. It's small at the moment but hopefully when I get some money units, I'll be able to upgrade. Which means.... more song space and more bandwidth to listen. When that happens, I'll probably put up my band's songs and stuff but for right now, just some songs I like. Today's favorite song is..... Dreams by the Cranberries (as I'm sure you can see up above). It's a really awesome song. I illegally (note - illegal, not a good practice. I'm a pirate but you shouldn't be either. Hey Angelfire, look. I'm not promoting bad things) downloaded it earlier tonight which was awesome cause I'd just heard the song before but I didn't know the lyrics, the name, or the group it was by. Just what it sounded like. AND I FOUND IT! MUAHAHAAAAAAA! Unfortunately for you, if you wanna hear it, I'm uploading Playground Love by Air cause it's later and I'm more in the mood for that right now. Ok. Well, peace. I'll try to update this from time to time.

Links to songs posted on my webpage (only one now):

Your Song by Elton John

singer I like at the time I'm writing this: