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Math, Science, Technology  Page

I selected a assignment that we did in Ipc/Algebra. IT wa called the crime scene investigation. . This was my first group experience at Quest high school. We as a group had to find out who stole chemicals from the lab. We had to go through many reports and watch C.S.I videos to know what evidence to look for. I had two slackers and a girl I did not know but later became best friends with in my group. The assignment taught me how to work in a group with others. I had to work with the difficult slackers in the group. I had to put them to work. I made a to-do list for them and I had to trust that they would get work I gave them done, otherwise if they didn't then my whole group would fail. It was hard for me to just hand someone in my group that I do not trust a big responsibility like that and me being a control freak did not help matters either. In the end I had to do most of the work along with my friend. I gave the slacker in my group every opportunity to do work and participate but they chose not to. They ended up failing but not me.

I believe this work reflects on me as a good group worker who tries not to be so in control with everything. You need to give people the chance even if you don't trust them, but defiantly make sure they know the responsibility that's being placed on them. The people in my group that slacked off ended up doing some of the work that they were supposed to. I was just really happy that they did some of the work cause they somewhat cooperated with the responsibility that I gave them.

My Mission statement talks about to treat others they way you want to be treated which i think i expressed with trusting my group members. I would want to be trusted in a group. I thought maybe giving them  a responsibility will make them feel important and that would give them more motivation. I accepted there faults as the roles of slackers because changing them would not have worked. They have to make the attitude adjustment but I could try and be a good example any ways.
