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Congrats! You know the random crap about GC like
the back of your hand, or probably better.

Random Good Charlotte Fact Quiz
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Damn! You are more than a true fan. You've been
there from the start and are still hanging on,
even throough the current teenie invasion. You

Are you a true Good Charlotte fan?
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Good Charlotte
*clap clap* Good job, you are a great fan! I bet
this quiz was easy for you. Congrats. Visit

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joel and billy
You're Billy and Joel. You're probably the most
fucked up couple of gay guys ever. Billy would
be sweet and innocent if Joel didn't completely
corrupt him. You love each other, just in some
really twisted way.

What Good Charlotte slash pairing are you?
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Congradulations!!!You are a TRUE fan!! You should
be proud! You know your stuff and respect the
band for their music, not their looks!KEEP

Are you a REAL Good Charlotte fan or a pathetic Teenie
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punk-ass kid
punk-ass kid

what kind of GOOD CHARLOTTE fan are you?
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Paul's hair
You're Paul's hair!!

What Good Charlotte band member's hair are you?
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pic of billy!
Your long lost twin is Lil Billy!

Which Good Charlotte guy is your long lost twin?
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you are... the billy/strawberry condom

which GOOD CHARLOTTE flavored CONDOM are you?
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Yay! You know Good Charlotte Really Well! Add me to
your msn!

How well do you know Good Charlotte? I dare you to take this...
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DUDE! You know everything about Good Charlotte and
Benji! You probably memorized all the guys'
bios and all the tour dates! You are a hardcore
fan, and your deffinetly not a Teeny Bopper!
You may be borderline obsessive, but is that
really a bad thing? Go you!

The BIG Benji / Good Charlotte Quiz
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Your Billy.....I think there something wrong with you....hehehe

What Good Charlotte boy are you?
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good for you! you know *almost* as much about good
charlotte as i do. and i know quite a lot about
the boys... *shifty eyes*

how well do you know good charlotte?
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The guys sitting on a porch!
You know your GC sh*t. .You rock! "Keep
representin' GC cause you know we're
representin' you"-Benji You're a ***True
Fan*** hehe

Do you REALLY know Good Charlotte or are you a wannabe?
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Paul's Hair
You are Paul

What Kind Of Good Charlotte Hair Are You?
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Girls & Boys
Dirty Pop!

What Good Charlotte Song Are You?
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MMMMMMMM... Good Charlotte!!!
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you're billy - the quieter guitar player.

what member of good charlotte are you?
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You're Clara Martin!
Clara Martin! Visit:

Which Good Charlotte Chick Are You?
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Benji!!!!!!!so so so sexy! >.O

Which Good Charlotte member are you most likely to screw?
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Good Charlotte!! Like you didn't already know
You are a true GC fan, none of that loving them
only for their image, you are like me, you
rock, yey!!!

What sort of Good Charlotte fan are you?
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U know ur GC stuff, Go u!
U know ur GC stuff, Go u!

How much do u REALLY know about Good Charlotte
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your the gunny aned cute joel!!!
YOUR JOEL!!!! the calm and the most beautiful of
the group. Joel is the signer and he is pretty
funny and compose the song with benji

witch good charlotte gut are you!!!!!!!!!
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Paul-the one labeled as 'different' but he is
perfect for you. He isnt as loud or outgoing
as the others , be it as it may, you wo are
perfect for eachother.

Which Good Charlotte Member are you most compatible with?
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congrats! u kno ur "yung & th hopeless"
ur awesom! of corse, who wudnt kno the awsomest
cd by hart? :P

~*~*~Do U kno ur GOOD CHARLOTTE song lyrics?!!?!?!!~*~*~
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ur awsomely good

finish the good charlotte lyric quiz
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You are Benji!

What Good Charlotte member are you?
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You're the real thing. People like you are hard to
find these days. Keep on loving GC!

How much do you know about Good Charlotte
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Your Movin On/Say anything! You have a pretty much
happy outlook on life. You've been hurt b4 but
it doesnt get in your way! Way to go!

Which twin Good Charlotte songs are you?!?!
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Your HOTTIE's Billy's Blue Silk Boxers... your as
cute as a baby's butt!!h is sooooooo sexy!!!
I'll marry you someday Billy!!

WhIch OnE Of GoOd ChArLoTtE'S BoXeR's ArE YoU!!!
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Benji~You like your men rough and tough...He loves
to have a girl near him to comfort him when hes
down... Benji is the punkish boy that a lot of

Whos your Idel mate from Good Charlotte? (female)
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Congrats!! You're obsessed with Good Charlotte! BE

Are you Obsessed with Good Charlotte?
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Billy, the adorable little baby of the group.

What Good Charlotte guy are you most compatible with?
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Your Benji...Your Real Cool, Your An
Individual..And You Dont Care What People Think
About Youi..U Go Child!!!

which Good Charlotte Guy Are You?
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Billy Martin, skinny lil boy with puppy dog eyes.
How can you resist that smile?

Which Good Charlotte Guy Would You Fuck?
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wow you really no the guys and your a true fan not
a teenie thank god for that. well i'm impressed
with your GC knowledge yay go you.

How Much Do You Really Know About Good Charlotte
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ur gonna go out with...BENJI!!!

good charlotte, who should u go out with?
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billy... rock on
Rock on your Stoner Billy.... errrr I mean...
Drugs are bad! Just say no!!!!!!!!!

Whats Your Good Charlotte, Bad Habbit?
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You really know them...if you know more than me, e-
mail me at

Are you a true fan of Good Charlotte or do you think you know?
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WOW you know your Good Charlotte!

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