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8:36pm 10-5-03
Okay offical start of this blog.. extreamly happy to figure out how html works! *throws a party* lol anyways.. i'll see you later _-_OVER AND OUT_-_
5:16pm 10-7-03
Well my strep in my bones is back AGAIN!! sucks ass for me.. yup.. anyways' school been pretty silly today I had a book fight with Becca and yesterday a pen fight good times man.. good times.. Anna .H. got her braces off today! SMILE SMILE SMILE!! lol sos Marian took a pic of her while she wasn't lookn' HAHA!! teehee.. anyways Anna .F. is dah bomb!! (go to my high school!!) lol Nicole SUPECOMBOH! lol _-_OVER AND OUT_-_ P.S. i'm tryn' to add some music so this site wont be so boring! dont expect it too soon!

<bgsound src="">

1) t.A.T.u