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This is just a quick Refference Page that I am creating on my own time for anyone to use.

My Written Articles:
The Current News:

Website has been updated. Several new links and such I have worked on while I am currently banned from Arcodia. I plan to move alot of this stuff to a subsiduary website under I will be refining this setup and sorting it better for easier reference as time goes on.. With the current Arcodia Library inoperable but for its outdated version.. I will work to supply some newer information on this website.
My Arcodia Characters:
  • Gromph, Drow Inactive
  • Kha'Zahdur, Drow Inactive
  • Zymphil Frostleaf, Janis Inactive
  • Daernon, Human Bard/Cleric of Torm
  • Burdoe, Gnome Tinker
Third Party Programs
Town Affiliate: Links: