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Entry 15--Sunday, May 16


Entry 14--Saturday, May 8

OMG! I'm ridiculously sorry there haven't been any updates in forfrigging ever! My internet was messed up for quite sometime...So yea...I couldn't use the internet...So i couldn't update...But ya, hope yall like the new background! Peace.

Entry 13--Thursday, Feb. 19

Mmm-hmm! Well...last week...I guess it could be summed up as very interesting.

I'm sorry I haven't been updating at ALL lately, ive just been under alot of stress.

I came to the conclusion yesterday that it was because my play is over and I have nothing to do anymore. I think this is just how I get when I know I've worked so hard at something and to know that I barely get to do anything for it. There were only two preformances, and I think that's what upsets me the most.

I also think I'm in love. I can't even say if that's a good thing or a bad thing, It feels good to have so much love, but when they don't love you back it tends to shatter one.

I haven't been very hungry at all all. I normoally can compare my stomach to a horses stomach. If you feed me I'll eat it all. For the past week I haven't been able to compare myself like that at all. I get really upset lately. Especially when I see romantic couples that are so in love and everything. Of course there are a few exceptions, but when people talk to me about how happy they are it just gets to me. I suffered a really weird anxiety attack thingy a few days ago, where I was shaking and trying to cry. It wouldn't work though. I couldn't even get tears.

Wow, talk about being depressing.

Lately I've been obsessed with Taking Back Sunday's "You Know How I Do" I think I've played it 95 times on my iTunes.

I've also been making a personal goal to become more socially active, so I'm not always home on my computer depressing myself, haha. On Tuesday I went to a party. Well, It wasn't really a party, it was more of a.....4 person chill, but it's all good. I had a good time, and I love my friends =D.

Yesterday (being wednesday) I went to the movies with my best friend kelly. 50 First Dates is by far the most romantic movie I have ever seen in my life. I saw it on Monday with my familly. Drew and Adam have such a good on-screen chemistry together...Well I think that'll about do it. Leave comments and shee ite like that.


Entry 12--Wednesday, Feb. 11

Well, that was exciting for a moment now wasn't it? Past 2 weeks= The god damn 7th circle.

I had a frigging allergy attack on stage. I needed to finish the play about devotion.

After that, I needed to be rushed to emergancy....::dead scilence:: ja, and I end up with like 5 asthama attacks in the course of 3 days and I am on medicine that takes all the energy out of me and replaces it with frustration, anger, paranoia, and...oh yea, ANGER.

But other than that my life is jus fiinnne and dandy...pff...But I am going to go back to my life and pretend nothing ever happened cause I hide my emotions like that.

And the mid-terms didnt go as bad as I thought...there is one plus :). Be back in a ___(insert time measurement)

Entry 11--Sunday, Jan. 25

Mid Terms Suck, everything sucks. I STILL have nothing to do with my picture. PLEASE give me an idea, heheh. I am really tired right now, and I have been studying and crap. I am kind of happy I don't have rehearsal tommorow, because I need time to study for frikin earth science, BUT in a way, I don't have anything to cheer up my day :'( (tears). I REALLY HOPE we don't have school tommorow, cause it would mean I get an extra couple of days to study for english, which is VERY good :) I have to go study, CRAP. I promise my entries will be more like the 4th one, once these GOD DAMN mid-terms end. GAH! ::frustration::

Entry 10--Sunday, Jan. 25

Ok, I made a really COOL picture. I tried to put it on the website, and it looks awfull. If anybody wants to see this picture, e-mail me at Thanx.

So it's Sunday, I haven't done anything all week-end. Haven't gone anywhere. I wish I COULD be doing something. If there is anything going on tonight, let me know (That is, IF you want me to come).

Anyway, 2003 was a very stressful year, but THIS one SUCKS BALLS! Everybody's dying, and the world's going to hell. It is a very dark, cold, and scary year. I don't like it, and I am rushing to get to 2005.

Almost the end of the month, that's a good thing. February is always good because it's so short and you get that nice vacation :).

I think for breakfast today I'm going to have penut butter crunch with milk. YUM! I'm sorry, but that is the BEST stuff EVER. No, the other best breakfast in the world is 2 eggs, 1 waffle with syrup, 1 slice of Chalah (spelling?) bread with Jelly. YUM AGAIN!

Mid-Terms are getting me stressed out MAJORLY! I don't like them at all. At least with finals, you know that there is going to be an END to the year. Mid-Terms are like: You go to school for a broing half of the year, and just to know you STILL have HALF MORE TO GO?!?!?

I think my next year's schedule will be better than this one. I wouldn't mind this year so much if I didn't have Honors Earth Science, French III Honors, and Geometry ALL first thing in the morning. hehe.

So, I think I've wasted enough Internet space on this entry, I think I'm going to go have my breakfast and take a shower. I'll be back whenever.

Entry 9--Saturday, Jan. 24


Val, HAHA. I know you signed it when there were already 9 entries in there. I said that when it was like a graveyard. Wait a minute. Graveyards are full. My guestbook was...Empty. Hm....Val, Val dear, My guestbook was opposite from a graveyard.

I hope you all like the background. NOT EASY!

CRAPPERS i g2g again, but I will be back later....I'm always back.

Entry 8--Saturday, Jan. 24


For those of you who are wondering, I update my background once a week. I'm sorry I haven't been updating like I said I would be, but its mid-term time and life is like crap right now. But if you want so see the backgrounds, please let me know and I will send it to you.

I am Listening to Desaparecidos. I love them so much. It's so amazing how Connor is in that band plus Bright Eyes. They are both amazing.

I have recently become obsessed with BOTH Man and Wife Songs. They are the most amazing songs EVER.

Life has been really stressful, seeing as how my friend is never talking to me again. She says. "sick abnormal obsession with my best friend and ur obsessive compulsive egotistical self obsorbed masoganistic chauvenistic manic depressive jackass."

Hm. Is it just me, or is this completely inaccurate.

Oh w/e. And I don't know about my other friend anymore. I can't IM anymore, it's gotten me into so much shit. I should just see her, not IM her. The only problem is, I don't know if she likes me anymore. It's CLEAR that friend 'A' doesn't, but does friend 'B'? Im SO lost and confused.

I probably wont be online as much anymore, seeing as how its gotten me into so much trouble. w/e. I g2g now. See yall later.

Entry 7--Tuesday, Jan. 20

Hi again! I'm just sitting here, with absolutely nothing to do. I'm listening to Taking back sunday- There's No 'I' In Team. That is one of my all time favorite songs. I always enjoy listening to it.

Rehearsal went well today. It was definitely one of the funnest ones I've had. The show is coming along great. Of coarse, there are a few faults, but that was Mr. DePinna's fault, not yours. Of coarse we want to have a good show, but as far as everything else goes, we'll leave it to you, Thank you. (If you have seen the show, read it...or if you're IN it, you would get that joke). As for the rest of you, come see it in February.

Ok, since kelly has no place to put the banner i made her, this number will be PUSHED to 150. Deal with it. lol.

I survived having 15 different tests and quizzes today, I cant believe it. I think I did fairly well on them, heheh...Well, I have to go study for mid-terms now...Wish me luck...meh.

Entry 6--Monday, Jan. 19

New add on: Second ten entries, wont be in use untill I get in 10 entries. The 100th Visiter will recieve an award. All you need to do is e-mail me and sign my guestbook. In the e-mail (, you should include your name, age, and the fact that you are the 100th visiter, your website, any blogs that you have, any livejournals you have, or any groups you are the moderator of. In the GUEST-BOOK, Inclue your name, and the fact that you've won the 100th Visiter award. In the event of 2 or more people claiming the award, the bar will be pushed up to 150. Thank you.

Entry 5--Monday, Jan. 19

To Leslie's message. Yes, The Postal Service is considered emo. Maybe not the most obscure kind of emo that exists out there, but after research and hearing opinions of many, I have come to the assumsion that they are, in fact, classified in the emo genre. Emily, Thesbians do kick 'obscene' language. Keep in mind that it is much appreciated that you DON'T use language that is offensive to any individual. For tommorow, expect 2 entries a day (5 a school week) starting tommorow, and one new page per week. Each page will have 10 entries.

Entry 4--Monday, Jan. 19

Hi. Ok, since NOBODY is signing my guestbook by starting topics, I think I am going to make a message board on here. It may take a while to get one and load it. Any good ideas? or guestbook. ............Gah forget it, SO not worth it. lol.

I really enjoyed our 'vacation thingy' that we had. Unfortunately, I am going to have 4 tests and quizzes. Major EWWWness. Plus massive mid-terms to study for.

I haven't gone out of the house barely all week-end...hmph...If anything is planned, let me know.

I have absolutely no life, I am sitting here, watching a tape of charlie brown movies. That jusst proves my social zeroiality. Maybe I should convert to i have an idea. Maybe it is possible for you to sign my guestbook leaving comments. Don't forget to tell which entry number you are leaving a comment on. That would make it pointless. Ok, I just shut off the T.V. and I opened iTunes (for windows...BEST invention ever) I am obsessed with computers. I have all of this stuff telling me about the new version of windows (Code Name Longhorn).

Anyway, back to what i was saying...I'm listening to Hot Hot Heat. 5 times out of A Hundred. A really good song. I'm into emo music, normally. Not that obscure stuff, but more that alternative emo that not alot of people have heard of. I also listen to popular pop...too many pops....and pop-punk. Like Name Taken. I'm pretty sure NOBODY'S heard of them before. I also like saves the day...Hm...I basically like everything except hip hop or rap.

Ok, I have a little something on hip hop. It always reminded me of 'Sock Hop'. When I was in elementary school, we had sock hops. I never knew what they were, and I wanted to go to them every year. I was always told that I wouldn't like them and I shouldn't go. I always was like...GAH! You're going and you say its not good??? Why bother going. They replied that its loud and obnoxious. I was like...huh? Why wouldn't I like it? They pretty much never responded, And I never got to go to one. lol. Now that i know what it was like, i'm kind of glad i didn't go. Heheh. But I always felt like I was missing out on something. (Comment on that). So when I hear 'Hip Hop' I think 'Missing out'. I know it's hard to understand, but ya know...This is ME. So yea.

I definitely do NOT want to go back to school tommorow. I don't like tests and quizzes or mis-terms and crap...::sigh:: Second semester brings something really exciting to me!!! Anthropology!!! I'm excited about getting in. I will have to switch English periods, I'll find out soon if that's a Good thing or a bad thing...heheh.

Well, I have to go now...But yea, that was my first REAL entry. Long and detailed and...yea....I'm STILL listening to Hot Hot Heat, thats how obsessed i am with that song.

Does anyone else feel that POP-UPS will be the death of them?

Entry 3--Monday, Jan. 19

Hi again. New Feature: Date of entry. From this entry on there will be a date on the side of the entry number.

Since nobody is signing my guestbook, I guess this entry is rather pointless. It is important for you to know that the guestbook is important for starting topics. This topic can be about anything you want music related. If you want information on a certain band, send me the question and I'll do my best to give you an accurate response. Sound simple? Good. lol. Another thing you can do is offer constructive criticism. I will send an entry explaining weather I think it is a good Idea or not, and why. I will do my best to respond to everybodys. I signed my own guestbook. You can pretty much read it for yourself, since there is no point in m wasting internet space re-typing it. Hehe. So yea, please enjoy yourself here, and sign my guestbook and start topics, I would like for this website to be of some use SOON!!!

Entry 2

New Features: Counter, Guestbook. Please be clean in guestbook. Any obscene laguage WILL BE DELETED...Thank you.

Entry 1

Hi. This is Andrew, and welcome to my emo discussions group. You may say that this layout is bad. Is it bad? Or is it just not like everyone elses. So funny...So funny how those two could be confused. Stuff will be popping up...Whenever I feel like updating. Enjoy your stay, and I hope you can get something usefull out of this.

I FINALLY figured out a layout that works for what I'm building, and I like it alot..

Thank you Very usefull for those of us who don't know very much HTML at all. I am the only web-master for this site. I hope you can appreciate the hard work and dedication of time that went into this. A new feature coming soon: Guestbook. Any obscene language will absolutely not be tollorated, and will be deleted.

My information:
Name: Andrew

Age: 14 almost with it.

Interests: Computers (I don't care if I'm a geek), Acting (I don't care if I'm a geek), and Old T.V. Shows.....(I don't care if I'm a geek). Well...That's about it for this entry. Enjoy yourself...lots...

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