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hi everybody! welcome to my emocard fansite. if you haven't heard, emocard is the newest emo band on the scene and they kick so much bloody glass ass. they put bright eyes, dashboard, and all those "so-called" emo bands to shame. one can not express how much pain and sorrow can be found in an emocard song.

here is a preview of the lyrics:

Watch as I bleed to death From all the papercuts Watch me put the blame on you Aim as sharp as this blade You've used to cut me with. Realizations of everything you've done Supposedly correct Failing miserably Face you with nothing but cold regret Wide like an open window Nevertheless sharing this false passion Tasting blood as I end my song Surrender all that I had never to fade.

see what i mean? i just want to go slit my wrists now and watch my blood and tears merge together.

why emocard stabs my paperheart

emocard links

official emocard site
official emocard yahoo club
official emocard chat
official emocard message boards
