

I am aj. I'll be updating this alot. dont worry. Things to expect: Pictures.violence.Concert Pictures.Promises.Pictures of friends.Poems. My Story. Broken hearts.Tears.Joy.Laughter.Love.Hate. Corruption.Music.hugs.

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Color Code: Content. Happy. Sad. Angry.

Im so tired of trying to hold on to every ounce of friendship i can from you two. So tired. From now on-you are no longer a part of my life. OBVIOUSLY that's how you want it. You know who you are. I never did ANYTHING WRONG to either of you, and every time i try to talk to, look at, whatever, you make me feel like COMPLETE crap. So, in effect, im done with you both. You say you dont like who i've become? You're going to HATE who I am now. Have fun.
Introducing angry. The color red. I love how people can use anomity to say what they want. If somebody has the balls to say something to me, they had atleast better say it to my face. Honestly. Things like that have so much more impact when they're coming from a face with a name, instead of some script on a webpage. People make me angry, but at the same time it makes me laugh. Whatever, it doesnt make me angry anymore.
Im ACTUALLY in a really good mood, that whole ordeal was just a single case thing. Things have been going good lately. I've got a few problems I'm working through, but, soon enough, god will help me out. Im making my way through. Getting over an obsession (addiction?) and gettting closer to god. Family really is all that matters. I miss them so much. Since i've been working 2 jobs, im rarely home, except to sleep. Thursday, im spending the night at home, and I actually get to see my family, and eat dinner with them, and awesomeness shall prevail. :P Im so excited. Kids, cherish your parents. Really. You'll miss them one day, and regret all those stupid things you did to them.
Either way, I work tonite. Come visit me. :) (I work 6pm to 10pm at kwikfill)
See you there.

You guys are so cool. I freakin love you so much. :) Again, for the second day in a row, i'm in a fantastic mood. I went and paid off my NFCU crap...I got my criminal History background check started (I can pick it up tomorrow...), and I talked to Pastor Dave about Him, me, and Mike coming together to live together. We're looking at apartments and stuff. 2 bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and livingroom seems to be all we really need. So...after I spoke with him, I went to work. 1:oo to 5:3o. It was short, but sweet. Except for this part in the middle. *switching color modes*
One of my high school friends came into mcdonalds today. His name is Jake. He joined the marines. He made it through bootcamp, and came into mcdonalds with his uniform on. I'm SO jealous of him. If you're reading this, chances are, you know something about me. That thing would be that I got kicked out of bootcamp 2 days before graduation, for medical reasons. (Go read "My Story".) I loved the navy life. Even though it was bootcamp. I was becoming something. Making something out of my life. Now I work at mcdonalds.
So...away from that...now i'm at home, and I'm happy once more. Leave me a message or something.

1o.25.o5 Cont'd-
Who DOESNT love the night life? LOL. Today, I worked three hours. The tiniest shift, ever. Whatever. I work more tomorrow. AND, tomorrow's payday. *checks his datebook* I work from 1o:oo AM to 6:oo PM. I also have an interview at Kwik Fill by the refinery, so I may be working 2 jobs soon. But, enough about tomorrow. Lets talk about today.
Today was good. Youth Group. The first one i've been legitimatly happy to be at in forever. Out of all the people who dressed up for the dorky halloween idea, I won the contest. 15$ Gift Certificate to New Life Christian Book Store. And, I learned that ...wow, they really do like me! Fricken AWESOME. Having my entire youth group (except for julia, apparently, lol) cheer for me, chant my name to get me voted in, all that cool stuff...felt good. I think it helped that i did a lil dance for each of my 'catwalks'. I even did a somersault. :P Pictures will be available soon, hopefully. For the first night in forever, I havnt cried about...relationship problems. I'm going to bed at 11:oo instead of at 4:ooAM. I even got to tell another girl that I like her. Tres Cool. Now, this other girl, i'm going to wait for a while before i decide. I just want to make sure it's not because I'm simply moving on. I want to be sure she's gonna be the one. :) It'd be really cool. Amber says that stephanie so needs somebody like me, and I so need somebody like her...and...this could be perfect. It will take a bit of effort to switch over from julia mode, but...i'm willing to do that. I'm already starting on that. Goodnite moon, goonight stars, and goodnite all the people who cheered for me at youthgroup. I <3 you all. *tear* i'd like to thank the youth group...pastor j...my family, *points out dana* ...thank you.

This will be some kind of blog thing eventually. dont worry. I'll make sure it gets finished. I promise. If not, you can have my big toe or something. For now, I suppose I'll just tell you about myself. I'm AJ. You already knew that If you're here. Apparently, I've got a case of highly severe depression. I think i'm bi-polar, instead of depressed. My moods change constantly. It normally takes something to spark a change, such as finding out a friend lied to me, or seeing two people I'm incredibly jealous of living their perfect life. Right now, I'm in a good mood, and you can probably tell by the way I'm talking. When I'm in a bad mood, you'll know. How bout i make you a deal. When I'm in a good mood, i'll post it in white. When I'm in a bad mood, I'll post it in red. You'll definetly know then, unless you're colorblind. Anyways, I like music alot. I listen to silverstein, atreyu, hawthorne heights, aiden, action action (i think you can tell my favorite record label...victory records)...yeah, theres alot of it. I listen to screamo, predominatly, however, there's other things too. I LOVE new age 80's based electronica, such as action action and balay. I also listen to a little bit of country music. I only take it in small doses, cuz, it makes me sad. OOO, sad, another emotion i need to put into color form. Whenever i'm sad, i'll type it in blue. And...whenever i'm super happy about something, i'll post it in yellow. I'm tired of typing for now. Come back soon.


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