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  :: Site Updates:02/27/03

New Additions

I have updated th page again! I have added some new pictures thats about it but im planing on putting my song LOOK AT ME played and sung (oh god) On the downloads section some time when i get around to recording it. Well enjoy the new pics, And check out the new Section "Our Videos" And enjoy.

  "Fresh Prince?" written by: Cory on 02/26/03
I Woke up today and i look like a scrub. I finally came up with some lyrics for the song im working on and me and francis might have some guitar going on. Well not sure. Well i put a new section and im bored.

.: Joke Of The Week:.
Doctor! I have a serious problem, I can never remember what i just said. When did you first notice this problem? What problem?
.: Breif Info :.
Small Bit Of Info.
Name: Cory Allen Brinston
Age: 16
Sex: Male
© 2002-2003 Cory Brinston