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retard(s) on the small bus...
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Blogging [Crystal]:
today's date: 1/18/2003
blog time: 10:26am
mood: sorta hungover
crushing on: ...
hearing: the T.V. (watching "diehard")
surfing: nothing
eating: hashbrowns and cookies
drinking: milk
wearing: PJs
chatting w/: chelane
talking on the phone w/: nothing
thinking: "stupid chelane... what's up with her 'aww' and 'cute' whenever i do something!!"
homework load: shit*loads
download: everything disturbed
loving... piercings!! i want a tongue one soo bad.. not to "show off" or whatever just to have.. for me! but i don't think i'll ever get one :*(
hating... umm nothing

"On My Own" -- The Used



























I invited Chelane, Brittany, Perrin, and Monica over yesterday... I didn't really wanna invite Monica (and neither did Perrin and Brittany... lol Brittany hates her with a passion) but Chelane's like friends with her and Chelane's my friend soo.. wee! :) Um, doesn't really matter because Monica ended up not coming anyhow. Perrin came over first and she was soo hyper and a friggin' PARTY ANIMAL!! (no joke--usually she's all sXe and totally "good girl") And we just waited outside on my block for Brittany to come and (the whole time) were trying to talk to a "hot" neighbor of mine who was upstairs in his room. Lol and when Brittany came she's all screaming "HI!...hey you! HI!" and all this other stuff...!! It was crazy. And the guy's like waving and tried doing this morsecode type thing by blinking his lamp... after he did that we were all like rrright and kinda moved on lol. The Chelane came and we all went upstairs to get drunk (my grandma's home but doesn't really matter 'cuz she doesn't care). PERRIN GOT DRUNK!! Like omg isn't that totally bizarre!?! lol. She was all talking random drunk nonsense and tripping over herself...hahahaha! I looooved it! I swear, Perrin is like THE person to party with... you'd totally not think that normally but if you were here that night, you know what I'm talking about!! And also, Brittany tried smoking for the first time last night. Chelane and me are like telling her about it and we're like, "Yeah we love the taste of smoking, the smell of smoking, and the buzz you get from smoking... we love everything about smoking!!" (when you actually say that, that's when you know that you're officially a smoker lmao) Well yeah, I'm gonna go scan the pics we took in so you all have an idea of what the hell I'm talking about... wait, this is random but some dumbfuck keeps calling me and hanging up. What a crackhead.

Crystal rambled @ 10:26am

I'm staying home from school 'cuz I'm "sick". That's what I told my grandma, but for reals, I need to do homework. I want so badly to raise my grades..!! I found out yesterday that I have a C in M.U.N. but Mr. Stringer says I can raise it to a B+ if I get 100% on the homework packet (which we've had for like 3 weeks but I didn't do ONE assignment in it... and it has 25 assignments total!!) and at least a B on my upcoming test. Plus, I have these geometry and biology tests that I have to ace... I have like a D in geometry and a C- in biology and I totally need to raise them if I ever hope to go to New York. OMG. And guess what else I found out yesterday?? (turn away from the computer screen if you don't wanna hear more bad news) Well, I found out the only A I had on my report card (in what else? PE) dropped down to a C!! A fucking C in PE!! Is that possible!? (obviously it is retarded Crystal) Reason for C: I didn't dress out with Brit and Chelane for a week before winter break... what can I say? It was cold (lmao) and like I totally didn't know it was gonna drop my A like that!! Ugh. Ok, well this isn't helping me get done with my homework so bye.

Crystal rambled @ 1:27pm

Wonder why I'm online so early? Yeah, I went to the bus stop at 7am like I usually do every morning and hmm? the bus is late. So I wait there for 20 minutes (in the friggin' cold) and then it hits me... today is late start day!! Stupid Crystal. Shesh. I have 30 minutes to go until I have to go to the bus stop, so I thought I'd write some. We're sort of "friends" again with Alison (I know I didn't really write about that on here... only because it happened so fast I didn't really have time to write out what I was feeling). Basically we stopped hangout out with her/talking with her because Brittany and Chelane felt like she was treating us like shit (which she does but I kinda got used to it 'cuz that's just how she is). Then Alison cussed out Chelane and said she wanted to "beat her up" (umm...ok?) so we DEFINITELY weren't friends with her. Then sometime last weekend (two days after Alison said she wanted to beat up Chelane) Chelane and her become friends again... woah.. that was pointless. And now there's "ish" between Brittany and Monica. Ok, I don't like Monica, but it's not like I hate her. Brittany HATES her... with a passion. You know what I say? Make love not war friends!! I dunno... I'm feeling very lovey today. Hmm.. yeah, this weekend I don't wanna do anything with my friends. My sister's coming up for the weekend and I wanna do something that just takes me away from life at this shitty highschool and just lets me take my mind off things (hehem... partying? lol). I dunno... (sigh). Sunday might be a snuggling/possibly-making-out day for me and one of my guy friends (I dunno if I should say names). POSSIBLY. I dunno. Lol--I dunno alot of things. Yeah. Um..... I'm gonna leave it at that. lol.

Crystal rambled @ 7:57am

I feel like complete SHIT. All weekend I was out partying and getting totally smashed w/my friends. We were drinking like hard liquor. I ended up drinking the most 'cuz I'm like the best at chugging shit down and keeping it down... or so I thought! I like drank shitloads of jack daniels, vodka, whiskey, and all this other stuff (I just remember the strong taste and having to wash it down with beer in between) and I was (probably) the drunkest I have ever been. Seriously I couldn't walk straight and have bruises all over my legs and arms from falling down so damn much. I remember not being able to stand/sit still and just not being able to see anything!! I ended up doing the stupidest things... one being made out/kissed with a girl*? (which if I had been sober probably would have NEVER done). And some things I don't "remember" doing, but my friends told me about later. Like I kept screaming about how fucking cold it was and when anyone came near me I'd be like "fuck off biotch... unless you want me to FUCK YOU UP!!" and then I jumped into the bath tub and turned on freezing cold water and just layed there until it overflowed... and they also said I puked EVERYWHERE! All my stuff, all my clothes, smells like liquor and puke. It's DISGUSTING. And now I'm just trying to sober up. Eating bread and trying not to think about alcohol 'cuz that's gonna make me wanna puke. I'm so glad I didn't do anything "stupid" because I know when I get drunk I become a total horndog. Like my friends said I said "Ima blow all the guys!!" but were pointing at trees and facing them when I said that. God, that just reminds me of that party earlier this year when I ended up making out with those two guys... at once :p and doing shit that I probably shouldn't have done. I am THE worst drunk.

Crystal rambled @ 2:35pm

Omg. I haven't written in like forever... :p sorry. I've been soo busy!! I can't believe break's over though. I mean, I had such a blast!! God, I think the best time I had all break was when I went down to visit Cristy at her dorm in LA (yup, yup UCLA). We like went to the fashion district (shopped there all day... kickass time 'cuz they have "coming out" designers so they sell things real cheap), walked around Westwood and... OMG! Westwood: craziest thing. Well, so me and Cristy were walking around Westwood and (by the way, it was soo freaking crowded... lots of highschool kids from BHS--Beverly Hills High School) yeah, we stopped at this coffee/cookie shop (they sold like this sandwich type thing filled with ice-cream... strange but good) and we were just sitting down and talking when this guy comes over and kneels down in front of me!! He's just like, "Wow. I think you are so hot and... wow. I was wondering if you'd like to hangout sometime or if I could get your number...?" Well, he was pretty cute but he looked like he could be in college (and besides I was there with Cristy and if I tried anything she'd be like, "I don't think so pal! Back away from my fucking 15-year-old sista!!" and that would have been major embarrassing) so I say, "Um, well, I'm actually in town visiting my sister so I don't really live around here..." And he's all dissed and is like, "Oh, ok..." AH! I felt like a total biotch!! But yeah... moving on :( um, we also went walking/shopping/saw-a-movie at Santa Monica... OMG! (another story pops up in my head!!) Well, me and Cristy were eating at this Bubaloobebbooos (sp? lol--this Italian restaurant) and there's like all these super hot waiters working there. And lucky us we god THE hottest waiter, Rob. Yummy. Well, we like kept trying to take pics of him with my disposable and were all like (being totally obvious now that I look back on it) drooling over his fine bod :) Yeah, and he *winked* at us so I convinced Cristy to (with her reciept and tip) to leave her number... so she did!! And he's coming 'round the corner so we ('cuz we don't wanna be there when he finds it) duck out and run for the exit!! (and there's like tons of people there so they're thinking we're running from the check and give us the WTF kinda look) Then we get outside and are like thankgoodness!! and then Cristy looks at me and is like, "aw shit... I forgot my jacket!!" And I (the ballzy one... hm, in a non-balls kinda way :p) run back in there all mission impossible style and look for the coat. Turns out the guy found it and left it up front. So I go up there and grab the coat and HAUL ASS OUTTA THERE!! And people who saw us the first time are all thinking I jacked someone's coat... lmao. It was great!! Good times! hehe. So yeah moving on yet again... so then we also went to China Town, to this Mexican shopping parade thing, and to Venice Beach (more stories about that... but those are alittle more... *hehem* let's just say it envolves a bar, a group of guys, and liquor). Ok, I really got to go start homework but before I go, today was the first day back from school!! I really wanna start getting into the habit of actually doing my homework so that I can say... NEW YORK HERE I COME!!

Crystal rambled @ 4:34pm

Oh yeah... click that link below. It sends you to Alex's site: muskafears. Um, the content on this site is somewhat heavy, so if you're against underage drinking and people running around naked for no apparent reason, don't click on the link below... hell, if you're against underage drinking, get the fuck off my site..!! I'm done.

Click here for Muskafears...

Crystal rambled @ 1:28pm

Ugh. I'm soo tic*ed off at Cindy (the sister that's 25)... I mean, I gave her my film from Saudi to develope (2 rolls--it was of my last days there and had pictures of me and Jayce on it "snuggling" and other personal stuff like that... so you get why it's so important to me) and then she got "pissed" at me and isn't talking to me and shit. I even asked her if she could give me back MY film so I could go develope it MYSELF, and she's all like "I'm gonna fucking destroy it"... like how fucking immature is that?! So finally me and Cristy talk her into telling us that she sent the film to Cosco to get developed and that it was the one with the gas station. So then me and Cristy go to that one (and I bring cash 'cuz yeah I'm gonna have to end up paying for it--stupid Cindy)... ok, turns out that my film ISN'T there!! So now I'm hella pissed 'cuz I don't buy that my film just magically *vanished*... and Cristy's gonna check for me at the other Cosco and if it isn't there either, I'm fucking never speaking to that fatass cow Cindy again. I swear. Why is she such a fucking bitch to me?? God, you know I don't even care.... ANYWAY. These last few days have been soo much fun. I've been spending it with Cristy getting to know her better and everything... and we've been going to the beach and just taking the initative; finding fun and not waiting for it to come to us. Lol. Oh and if you wanna see what she looks like (we seriously look nothing alike...) we took a pic on the cam. Click here for a photo of me and my sister (Cristy)!! She'd be the one in the glasses (my glasses actually 'cuz she wanted to see how it would look without her thin-rimmed ones). She cut her hair short, but in that pic she didn't gel it or spike it or nothing. She's alot prettier than me... plus, she was blessed with the BBs lol... big boobs (unlike myself haha). Oh and like last night we got totally pissed... 'cuz see, we were gonna go out (me and Cristy) and catch a 10:30pm showing of The Lord of the Rings, but last minute my grandma said NO and we were all bum*ed and then Onjeane came over and all three of us were like getting pissed up stairs (straight up vodka and we made some marguaritas) watching Moulin Rouge (that movie sucked... 'cuz I hate movies with sad endings). Lol. I woke up with this killer hangover, but the worst of it already passed so it's all goood. Ok, well Ima go figure out what we're gonna do today... P.S. guess what? Cindy's leaving all January for a "vacation", so it'll just be me and grandma up in the house (since Cristy's moving back into her dorm at UCLA)... which kinda sucks since I can't be driven anywhere for a month (except occasionally when Cristy drives up, but she'll usually be working in LA so that don't really work). The good thing? I'll have more freedom and can invite over anyone I want in the middle of the week... well at least I hope I'll be able to. Well, as long as my grandma isn't all over-protective and bitchy over this month. Eh, now I really got to go.

Crystal rambled @ 11:29am

So today me and Cristy went hiking... it was fun 'cuz we hiked all the way down to the beach and once we got there visited this cove place. Then we just chilled on the beach watching the surfer dudes... some of them were really good.. but some sucked (they like ran into the water and this tiny wave would hit them back to shore--idiots). Then as we started walked back up and outta the beach these two guys on water jet things went whizzing by ("whizzing" naha) and one of them waved at me... and Crystal being Crystal (who else would I be?) waved back. Then they made a loop around and came back over and talked/hitted on us. It was fun :) I think they thought I was in college... heheh oh vell. And then we had lunch at this cute thai restaurant (yummy) by the beach and when we were walking back up to our car these dudes in a truck drove past us and were all whistling and smacking kisses toward us... like those fuckin' basturds!! Gosh, show some respect... like they've never seen a girl before. Well, Cristy and I (more Cristy though) went off and flicked them off and yelled "FUCK YOU!"... it was an interesting day. I had loads of fun. Yeah, I better stop writing and start talking to Aaron now... bye.

Crystal rambled @ 10:56pm

I got up early to get ready 'cuz I thought we (me and Cristy) were going to Catalina today on the ferry, but it turns out... we're not. The ferry's been sold out for today so we might be going on Monday. And then we decided to go to LA to hangout around rodeo drive and the fashion district... but those plans got shot too 'cuz Cristy's dorm is closed and something else went wrong but I forget what. We must do something today!! It's so sunny and lovely... I refuse to do nothing. So perhaps we'll drive down to Laguna Beach to hangout and checkout the guys :) I dunno. I can just feel today is gonna be awesome..

Crystal rambled @ 7:57am

I really do hate being home and bored when there's no school... I mean, I should be out doing *something*. Actually, Cristy was suppose to take me shopping (or) to the beach right now... she had this "not-a-date-but-lunch" with this guy she hasn't even met (she like met him through a friend). She says she's only having lunch with him because she wants him to give her his extra scuba-diving equipment so she won't have to go and buy it (useing him? yes). Well, anyway, I'm bored and... OMG Cristy's home! I need to go put back her speakers before she finds out I... enough! Bye.

Crystal rambled @ 2:47pm

I woke up this morning, all cheerful-like, looking around to find someone to hug and say "merry christmas!" to, and found no one. Everyone was gone. So now I'm home alone on Christmas morning... well, afternoon now. I don't mind 'cuz I got to talk to Nari this morning, and told her about the dream I had ('cuz she was in it). She came to visit me here in California... through a warping portal thing!! (the dream was very scientific which makes no sense 'cuz I'm more of a leftbrain thinker and science scares me lol) Well, she just hung around school and it was soo real 'cuz we were talking about stuff we had just talked about on the phone the other night and we're all using "our" vocabulary (like "boob", "weiner", "you silly goose!"...). It was fun. Mmmmm... this pot pie is gooood. Omg do I love pot pies... I mean, the best idea; stick a chicken in a pie!! Then again all frozen dinners/TV dinners are good. Lol.

Crystal rambled @ 2:24pm

A minute past midnight... woah (lol). Well, Merry Christmas everyone!! Christmas (or xmas eve... same thing) didn't turn out so bad after all. All us girls (me and my sisters) ended up getting over all our issues with one another and basically "forgiving" each other (and I still don't really know what I did wrong... but whatever). Yeah, the presents I got were sort of crap (except for the money I got from my grandma and this black beanie from Cristy) but I don't really care... I mean, I guess I deserve that since I went ahead and spent over 200 bucks on *hehem* myself and spent 20 bucks on presents for them all at the grocery store... yeah. Oh, but get this; Cindy said if I raise my grades (meaning my two Ds--woohoo! not four like I thought..!!) she'll pay for a trip to New York City for me during spring break. Now how kickass is that!? Yeah, I'm seriously stoked... I just don't know how the hell I'm gonna raise my grades, but I'll find a way! Well, I'm going to go watch "Thirteen Ghosts"... peace.

Crystal rambled @ 12:01am

Festive season my ass. This has got to be that worst Christmas ever (or at least one of the worst). The only people in my family who are actually here for Christmas is, me (lol--that's right, Crystal will be here), my grandma, and my two older sisters (Cindy and Cristy). All of us (meaning the sisters--'cuz grandma is too pure to be involved in our squabbling) are currently on "I'm not speaking to you you lousy hoe!!" terms... and we either got each other nothing or if we did ('cuz we got suckered into the whole "it is better to give than to receive"), it's a crappy gift from Ralphs or something. Yeah... I'm in a peachy mood :p rrright. Well, my delightful, picture-perfect family is calling... Christmas dinner. Joy.

Crystal rambled @ 6:10pm



























About the Girl...
My name's Crystal and I currently live in Southern California. I'm mixed; my dad's white and my mom's Vietnamese. I'm fifteen and my b-day's December 18th. Um, I was born in Singapore and no I'm not Singaporean. My parents travel the world because of their jobs, so when I was younger I traveled with them and I dunno, I just happened to be born there (?). I'm the middle child out of five kids (four girls and one baby boy) and I'm like the Jan Brady of my family... lol no, just kidding. Uhh, can't think of more to say..

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girl freshman secretive emotional randomness loves glasses unpredictable hot-headed open minded artistic loves basketball hates rainy days loves the snow can't stand argueing make love not war loves punk loves scary movies scares easy guliable dogs not cats loves to shop material girl horny loves the ocean scared of the ocean italians & italian food...yum!