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|| i <3 Rannny Chan ||

My FaVoRiTe ThInGs::

My SiTeS::

becca's xanga
becca's other xanga
addiebear's xanga
jeffery's xanga
retards xanga
pfl family website

÷≈]|‡>¤<‡|[≈÷ ::help me remember how to smile… yeah so here i rest where disappointment and regret collide, lyring awake at night... -deathcabforcutie. so i miss doyen and i havent talked to him in a while and i have no idea what he is doing... there is something peaceful about this time. The time before everything goes awry. The calm before the storm... but the storm is alright... makes things just that little bit more complicated... hectic... chaotic. i love chaos... i miss the chaos... theres so much that has changed... makes me sad... thinking back over the summer and christmas... everything was so perfect but we all took it for granted. we thought that it would last forever... we hoped it would last forever... but it didnt immortality reared its ugly head and life was gone in an instant. i miss it and my pfl family more than ever. summer is coming again. exactly a year since the last time everything was right. correct. maybe this time it will b even better...
