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...this is me with the words on the tip of my tounge

and my eye through the scope down the barrel of a gun...remind me not to ever act this way again ... a little taking back sunday allusion, if you please. i found it quite a crafty info, if i do say so myself. seeing as how the first thing on my site is something about music, i must inform u if u could not guess that i am a Grade A Music Snob; as defined by Abby and I, that is: mu.sic snob(mu zik snaub), n. one whose total thought is competely consumed by one type of music. they know everything there is to know about their type of music, and are willing to defend it to the death. however, they are selfish n if u are not worthy to listen to their music they will be very ungreatful to you and deam one a poser. for me, the style of music is emo...speaking of which heres a joke: How many emo kids does it take to change a lightbulb? >None, they just sit around and cry in the dark. How many emo kids does it take to make a phone call? >Two, one to call n cry n the other to listen and cry hahaha i love emo... THIS SITE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION... IF U HAVE ANYTHING U WOULD LIKE TO CONTRIBUTE, PLEASE EMAIL IT TO ME... THANK YOU!

My Favorite Bands
