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That Girl

I'm just another That Girl. We are the ones that get no name, no description other than this one when pretentious people refer to us. It may be a guy, a girl, an animal or countless other items that get labeled with a "that". Sad yes, but quite overcomable. I love music. As a that girl that loves her music, I will do my best to "educate" any who enter this site as to the better indie and emo acts that I love. I am definitely biased, and you will receive my biased opinion, get used to it. I would like to believe that I am not easily shoved into a generic description "box". Just as most everyone hopes, I think I am original, different, and worth a second look. I have no problem being associated with certain boxes, and can fit into a number of them simultaneously, but have not latched onto a particular box to define myself. One such box is the "preppie" box. I wear sweaters, mary jane shoes in random colors like beige, and burgandy, I have short flipped out blonde hair. While I fit in this preppie box, I also can be stacked into the "emo kid" box. I listen to "punk rock music that will make you cry", and love bands with boy singers who wail about lost love, being dumped, never finding someone who understands and will let them love, and other depressing motifs such as this. I have a pair of black rimmed glasses, but they're just to make me look more professional at work or while on an interview for the newspaper I write for. I wear band T-shirts in a plethora of colors, from bright green to black. These are just two of the boxes I actually like to think I could be put in. There is also the "party girl" box which I have been mistakenly put into, and others that do not give an accurate picture of my habits and preferences. Think about it, we are all in boxes, which ones are you going to let define you? I work two jobs, go to college full time, tutor, take care of a puppy who likes to cost me LOTS of money, and give my non-existent spare time to anyhting else that draws my attention... Oh, and I really don't like html, and will try anything to avoid making a mess of this site..bare with me, ok pal?


favortire band sites

The Early November
Dashboard Confessional
Paul Wright
Something Corporate
