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Feature: Genma Xbox
Find out how we made it this far and how much farther we'll go.


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Why the hell can't I go anywhere?
Becuase..wait, how the hell did you get here?
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WTF is Genma Xbox?
Good question, let's start off with what an Xbox is and then I'll tell you about Genma.
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Genma Xbox's First News Update
Not that important, but then again, it is.
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Fan Art Contest

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I am working on the main page layout, editing it, making pictures, etc. If you would like to help with the content (reviews, previews, features, etc) just give me a shout.
Which game do you like best?
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Unreal Championship
Virtua Fighter 4: Evo
Ninja Gaiden
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