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WWF Smackdown!! Triple H's returns.
Last Night on smackdown! Triple H returned. But he didn't not fight in a regular match. It was Stone cold Vs. Kurt angle and Kane came down and interupted the match by chokeslaming both stone cold and Kurt. Then all of a sudden the Big Show came down and gave Kane the chokeslam. Then the Games music hit and the fans went wild. Triple H ran to the ring and started to kick Big Show's ass. Then he gave the Pedigree to the Big Show. Kane brother Undertaker stood on the titatron and watched Triple H. But something exciting happened during that smackdown. It annouced that their will be 4 returns of wrestlers at the Royal Rumble. To find out who goto the Smackdown Results!. And Rikishi gave Booker T a stink face and Booker T vomitted all over Michael Cole..

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