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I am sorry for last night.
I don't mean the things I say when I throw fits like that.
I love you with all my heart.
I don't ever want to hurt you. You are my everything.
It breaks my heart to know that I have hurt you.
You are really a great person.
You would make anyone happy.
I am so sorry for upseting you.
I never want to break your heart.
I fill so miserable and ashamed.
I am so afraid you will leave me.
I don't know what I would do without you.
My emotions are out of controll.
I can't handle them anymore.
I don't want you to ever leave me go,
but if you did I would understand.
I wouldn't want to be around me eathier.
I will never forget last night.
I feel like I lost something .
Something that I will never get back.
I am sorry for everything I said,
and everything I will say when I get that way in the future.
I can't say I will never fight with you again.
If I did I would be lieing,
but I can say that everything that I said when we fight I will not mean.
I am so sorry for everything.
Please forgive me.
Please don't leave me and give up on me.
I need you.

I love you

I would do anything for you.