

06/05/03-- Since Billy now has a job and dosen't have the valuable time needed to keep the website updated as often as needed he has hand selected I, Jeff Gilbert to assist in keeping everyone updated. Right now alot of new things are going to be used, new lyrics have been added and more songs are going to be added here soon with pictures from recent shows. We are also going to start a friends page so if you think you are a friend and have a picture you want on the page send it my way. By the way Neverless is playing a show this friday so go check them out . BYE
-Gibby, Tom, and Hunter-

05/28/03-- Once again I have neglected the fans by slacking on the website. My apologies. Since the last update we have had to outstanding shows and stuff. We have finished recording Tarable and the mp3 will be on here for all of you to share. Another show Saturday so check out the shows link for more info. I'm going to try to keep it updated more often this time. I'm going to try really hard.

04/08/03--Well, we got most of the stuff back up on the website. Sorry it was down for so long. Umm, not much going on right now, but we're getting some shows and stuff lined up at the moment so check the shows link in the future for that stuff. We have some more links up on the links page to some other good local bands so check those out to. Oh yeah, thanks to Better Known Enemy I've stumbled across
Local where we have recently joined so you can scrog on over there and vote for our band by clicking here
Jx508Gives us some votes. Peace.

03/28/03--We're totally gay because we haven't done anything with the site in a coon's age. Anyway, big show tomorrow, expecting about 8 million people in the crowd i mean 200 or 3. CD's and shirts will be for sell. In April we're recording "Tarable" because we like that song. I'm tired. Bye.
-Tom and Billy-