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TiS tHe SeAs0n! (brought to you by your friends at....umm...we forget)

Welcome to December all! It is December. How lovely! Hope you're having a splendid month full of pine trees and really bad ginger bread cookies. Please feel free to look about the page, please, enjoy yourself! Some new features will be added soon, once I feel like getting around to them. But until then, have fun, and don't forget to put on your mittens before going outside. -The Management *************************************************************** NEWS AT 4:14 12-1-03 Whoa. Today is Monday. This is terrible. I really don't like Mondays to any degree. In fact, if there was some kind of club for people who don't like Mondays, I would probably be president, or at least secretary or something. What a sucky job. Secretary of the Monday Hater's Club. Oh well, in other news, I didn't do my English homework today. COMPLETE procrastination. I had 1st, 2nd, and 4th period to do it...and IT NEVER HAPPENED. So, I told myself I would do it during lunch...DIDN'T HAPPEN! I was singing along with Jeannette's new birthday present, and enjoying the sound of Chris Carraba's voice. 5th period rolls around...Homework: Undone. Failure. Spoiled.
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Four Ways Not To Spread Christmas Cheer

Happy Christmas from good ol' GW
I don't get it either...
*snickers* hehe....funny pictures
Messages for those whom I have chosen to give a message to.