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Important News: Shard is now back up. You will need to download the new login file or just edit it. The new login is now "LoginServer=,2593". Enjoy.Admin Excalibur

Welcome to Caged Within, This is a free shard brought to you from the kindness of our own hearts. The Admins and Gm's will always treat players with the respect and fairness they deserve. The Shard itself is fairly new so if you find any bugs or problems and you report them you may get rewarded.


The Shard is hopefully going to be a PvP shard when we get the player base. The Stat cap for a player is 300 and there is no limit on the amount of skill points you can obtain. When you start you will be asked to chose a race, ( More Details about this can be found on the Race page ) Depending on your race will depend on what skills you get but you will receive 2 gm skills. Also when you choose your race you get some newbied armour and a newbied weapon.


There is no need for application as we have auto-account creation activated so all you need to do is goto the downloads and download all the appropriate files and login. We hope you will have fun on our shard and vote for us in the top 200 so the shard can grow.


When you chose your race you will recieve a set of newbied armour and a full newbied spellbook.


Any account found to have armour not related to there race or with more than one set of armour for there race will be jailed and possibly banned.

Site brought to you by GM Green