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Hey, welcome to my angelfire page, i got quite a few pics on here, so have fun lookin at umm...

Added four pictures june 25...

January 1st i went through and shrank a lot of my pictures, so i no longer have any pictures over 100k...(before today, a good number of pictures were 200k+), anyway, i hope things go a little faster then they used to, and have fun:)

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NEW 6-25 page 36

Courtney's Pics Page 1

Courtney's Pics Page 2

updated 9-20Courtney trying to eat five fruit roll ups!!!

Luke's Pics

My Vacation in Canada (8/30/2k2)

My Vacation in Canada (8/30/2k2)Page II

UPDATED 9-22 Pics from my bro's bday party

updated 9-22 More Pics from my bro's bday party

My Geocities page, it sucks...

My Brothers Hiking Page

My Hiking web site NEW 11-23 theres only one hike on there now, hike #66, with me, mike, kyle, and his dog pete. it was fun...