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art|e/n sites|fun shit|media|music|pornography|stores|things nobody likes

The Art Archive, an animated GIFs directory. OOH!
A Twisted Little Picture Gallery, a really good artist's site if you like fantasy art.

Consumption Junction, what's your dysfunction? Not all porn...
X-Entertainment, a site maintained by a very bored fellow. Huge., funny, with lots of porn.
God Hates Me, their opening page contains a still from Fight Club. What more can one ask?

FUN SHIT, ever want to get back at people with some embarrasing photos or facts? Here's a place for it!! You can also read other people's personal embarrasment, like who doesn't want to?, a great site with webcams and flash games.
UnderGround Online, a hilarious site with tons to do, I recommend the cartoons!
The Bastard Son Of The Lord, a funny page making fun of that Jesus guy.
The Evil Handbook, the definitive guide for the followers of darkness.
User Friendly, an online comic strip about techies at an Internet Service Provider.
Japanese Engrish, Don't forget Post Water is "Newly Tasty Improved Enhanced" !!, we ripped off their code once.
Red Meat, another online comic strip, sometimes it's really sick! Go see!!

Daily Radar, Video Game review site maintained by the staff of imagine's also funny!
Ain't It Cool News, news and reviews dealing with all things media.

Christ Becomes Nuclear, the most evil band IN THE WORLD!!
The Official Pariah Website, a band from Rockland, and they (yuck)
Munjoy Hill Society, a good band. Yesh.

Furniture Porn, the web's only spot for hardcore chair-on-chair action!!
Lego Porn, makes me want to make my own. The text under the pics is the funniest part!

The PopSoda Shop, a great place to order strange and obscure beverages. They have lots of Jones Soda, and even Dr. Brown's Cel-Ray(it's celery soda).
Potty Mouth, a brand new webstore featuring baby clothes with vulgar messages!! SWEET!

Stop Clown Porn NOW!!, a website devoted to destroying the recent return of clown porn on the internet. Get your polka-dotted ribbon today!!

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