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Stedfast Members
I am Elyssa, the lead singer for Stedfast. I am from Holmes, New York and I am 16 soon to be 17, okay not so soon... in April. I am owned by my boyfriend Greg who is the lead guitarist for our band. And though sometimes he can be a bit overprotective and posessive, you gotta love him..well no not you!!! Only me.... I love the color blue and I love junk food(Salt & Vinegar chips..ahem ahem...). My boyfriend and I created our band. It took forever b/c well, drummers are so damn hard to find..thats my story....

Hey, I'm Dustin. I live in Holmes, New York and I am the one and only bass guitarist for our band Stedfast. I am 16 soon to receive my license. I love to spike and dye my hair, which is currently black. I spend about two hours a day JUST doing my know how it is! I own an Ibanez Bass its Beautiful,I love to write songs and stuff, and i love to dream, wish, and hope.I sing back-up vocals with Greg for Elyssa. ...and..Boner

Hey, I am Devin the drummer for Stedfast. I live in Dover, New York. I wish I could play guitar and yes the band should be named after my glasses because they are the best in the world. I used to play blues/jazz, then I went to street punk and now I'm playing emo/punk/ska/...whatever you call it.. with Stedfast. I really like this one song we's called Choked or's my glasses.

I am Greg, the Lead guitarist for Stedfast. I live in Stormville, New York and I am 16 soon to be 17 in January. I am owned by Elyssa, my girlfriend, who is the Lead singer for our band. I love the colors black, red, and blue. I play a Cherryburst Les Paul guitar. I created our band with my girlfriend and I sing back-up vocals with Dustin for Elyssa.Oh, I also think our drummer, Devin has the coolest glasses in the world. It's all about the glasses...and "girls"(New Found Glory).
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