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Blogging [feat. Chelane]:
today's date: 07/15/2003
blog time: 6:30PM
mood: Happy
crushing on: Read Entry...
hearing: Music. Good Charlotte
surfing: crystal's site
eating: Pizza
drinking: Pepsi (what else?)
wearing: Jeans and a T
chatting w/: With Canadian friends on the phone with: No One
thinking: About next year, and the possabilities
homework load: MATH
download: Music
wanting... To not be so shy and to not jump to conclusions.
hating... Being Alone

"Taste of Ink" -- The Used Kids
Blah BLah BLAH! [feat. Chelane]: MOVED!... go to . (July 2003) PErrin, I am so EXTREMELY sorry for doubting you... I talked to hanna today and she said that Ellen is bitchy like that and that she wasn't surprised that she would try to pull something like that on someone. I am SO SO SO SO SOOOOO sorry... please forgive me.. anyway Today in my math class I have found a new crush.. ( chelane blushes ) he's so adorable... the only thing is that I don't even know his name (such a dumb situation) but yah... we talked all the second half of class.... it was so great, I wasn't shy or anything. But he does go to Mission... so even if anything did happen, I'd never get to see him.. but yah, he has the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen ( that weren't contacts) there like greeny blue... soooo pretty. and he has dark brown hair. he's such a sweety... at first ( in the first half of summer school) he started jumping into me and hannas conversations... we both found it annoying... till he brought on the charm and now he's sooo cute.. after thebreak he started being not so shy, and he opened up a little bit.. and guess what.. he likes Hockey! that's so weird ( at least I think so ) he plays at home with his friends. I guess I can't say I have a crush on him if I don't even know his name... but whatever, I think he's cute.. but that's just me, I see a pretty face and fall for them right then and there.. but it's not like I have real feelings for them... ( or at least not till I get to know them). and if your thinking ... "hey, doesn't she like mike??" well I still do, I just have a small itty bitty crush on this guy.. and mike is sort of faded away since I havn't talked to him in forever.. I'm starting to forget what I even liked about him.. but anyway he's sooo cute, and he's like 4 inches taller than me though... but omg. he's so cute. ( I should calm down though eh.. I don't know if anything's gonna happen or not). BUT EWWWW.. Erik Woods ( I think thats his name) he wants to ask me out... I'm sooo creeped out, cuz Brent is always talking about me to him and then he meets me on friday ( at wild rivers ) and then on monday he likes me ( WTF!!!!!!!).. He was going to ask me out !... ok ME and HIM ( *chelane chudders*) but yah, he still wants to ask me out, hannas trying to talk him out of it. more soon... computer freezing... AHHHH Friday was very eventful... I woke up at 7:00 and got ready to go to wild rivers.. First time going.. and I thought it would suck because I was going with Hanna and Brent .. along with some of their friends.. ( Mainly Asians,, don't have anything against them... but their group doesn't like me all that much..) but It wasn't that bad at all.. I had a lot of fun. I now look like an OOMPALOOMPA (sp?) but I had a good time so it's worth the bad tan.. and I didn't feel like I had to be someone else around them.. Like at school with Crys britt and perrin I'm fine.. but in class I feel like I have to be a different person, so I just keep my mouth shut and try to keep out of the way.. but I didn't have to be shy or anything It was great.. and at first I thought that Hanna just invited me because she wanted to talk about it in class with someone.. but then brent calls me up and says that her and brent want me to go to the beach with them tomorrow, well that's fine I'd like to go .. but I have to work (grrrr... mom I hate you).. But yah I had a good time, and I have some new friends wich is nice... it's just too bad that Crystal couldn't come with us..( the BEAST ... I HATE YOU !) but yah.. then after that I went to crystals.. and we watched a movie and had somewhat intense conversations about next year and about right now, and it made me reailise that I like being a happy person and not being so negative ALL the time.. and I fell asleep on her floor... It's kinda funny.. cuz she went to the bathroom and I just fell asleep and when I woke up she wasn't anywhere to be seen.. and I told her grandma to just tell her if she see's crys to tell her I went home, cuz I didn't know if she was asleep or not.. and she just yelled for her... but it was fun... I don't see what the big deal was about me and Crys Hanging out.. but whatever... I have to go... my fav show is on... more in 30.. Ok... I'm Back. Today I was out with my mom and we walked past these people smoking and we both inhale deeply and look at eachother and say "NO" ( as if to say... no were not going to have a cig) it was funny... but I guess you had to be there. I absolutely can't wait to go to my dad's house... even though his computer is shit and I won't have any contact with here... It's kind of nice.. Knowing I'll have a month all to myself to just think and have a break from my everyday rutine. That's what I love about my dad's house... I can get away from everything, it's like I live a double life... cuz here I'm more open and city girl*ish... and there it doesn't matter if your clothes get dirty and your in public.. cuz people there understand that shit happens, and I love it. I just wish that it could be more like that here, where everyone knows everyone and everyone knows everything about everyone.. I know you are all sick of me being "home sick" but you would be too if you were in my shoes.. but I'll get to go back soon, so I should shut up and stop complaning.. anyway Me and my mom are starting to befriend one another... except when she gets too comfterble and starts dancing in public and then gets mad when I hide my face cause I'm humiliated.. It's gay, sometimes she's sooo cool , but others she's so messed up, it's crazzzy. I hope I don't turn out like her.. If I do ... someone kill me.. ( J/K of course).. GRR right now my mom's with Earl... as you can see I'm not too fond of him.. I havn't met him yet, but what my mom tells me, I don't ever want to.. anyway I'm sleepy so Ima go to sleep... more tomorrow ... MAYBE .. (JULY13/2003) Finally my Birthday is here... I went shopping and I bought SOOOOO many clothes.. we had to make a few trips to the car cuz the bags got too heavy. but they are SOOOOOO cute.. and I'm finally 15. Summer school sucks and I wish I didn't have to go but I have an A... so I guess that's good. I miss my Brothers soooo much, I know I'll get to see them in Augest, But I want to see them now. Marlon just got a new truck ( soo sweet) and Lochlon... well I don't know I haven't talked to him in a while. But I will see them soon. and OMG... I NEVER burn... but I went to the beach yesterday and who-ly-SHIT... I am soooo burnt.. but it'll stay for a few days and turn into a nice tan... cuz I never peel ( eww).. anyway I have to go, Fashon Island here I come !
About the Girl...

girl freshman preppy confident party animal 15-years-old (...almost) caffine-fix Canadian anti*straight-edge pink :) girly Pepsi Guys animals
