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 . : latest news (and only news)
 : New site 2.01
 : It's coming along nicely, yes......
 : We going to have a new site?
 . : : .

 . : New site 2.01
 I have finally finished the new site layout.  Only nobody comes here because there is no reason to go here. :(
 : . posted by eury

 . : It's coming along nicely, yes......
 I have the layout done. No links work so stop with all the e-mails. (total e-mails to date - 0)
 : . posted by eury

 . : We going to have a new site?
 Today for reasons of boredom I decided to give this old site that nobody visits a facelift for the new year. So check back often (yes, I am speaking to myself).
 : . posted by eury

eury 2003©