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The page in which I will shout out to all who need to be shouted at.

Hello and welcome. This is a stupid page. If your name is here, you might want to look at the message I have so graciously bestowed upon you. Because you just want to. The End. TAYLOR: To my twin (no match) you are special. I'm glad that you are special, and that you like cream cheese, and the middles of my mother's cinnamon rolls. I love you. JEANNETTE: Is fantastic. You have cool shoe laces. I just wanted to tell you, "Sha-Sha". Yeah. Good times, Baker is stupid. Rock onward my dear friend! LISA: You are Jackie Chan's daughter. I believe it! Baker is stupid. I hope Chris Ivan finds someone else to hang all over, and I also hope that the one kid in your drama class that bugs you...will stop bugging you. You are so fun. NAT: Oh, man. The good times we have shared. If I had a nickel for every good time we had together, I could buy so much top ramen, it's not even funny. You are the greatest paper star folder I've ever met in my entire life. I'm amazed by your many talents! SARA LEE: All I have to say is that someone totally should've ripped "one" during the "be super quiet" part of the P.P. show. That would've been pretty neato if I do say so myself. You make me laugh...hard. *makes little "C" gesture with hands* KATIE: Greetings Capin! I'm glad that you are luxurious! It's a good thing to be, keep being it. Because it's good. I'm glad that I don't ramble. Cheech is a good name. HAILIE: Jello Hailie! *raises da roof with hands and says catchy chant," Big M**'s in the house!"* Sorry, Hailie, don't worry though, I still love you! Tell your sister I said hi, and that she can sit on you anytime she feels like it! FREE COW: Needs to get a job. MY CATS: You guys are the best at every underwater sport there is.

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