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Shahnaz Journal
Monday, 1 March 2004
10 FEBRUARY 2004

Brother Naeem from Singapore through DAWN 6.2.2004 enquires can any one from PIA higher echelon tell him what they were thinking while accepting the national airlines new colour scheme?

I am not aware of any recent colour scheme change by PIA. Any such news item might have escaped my eyes if actually there was any. I do not know if any one from PIA would give answer to brother Naeem but just to enlighten him I wish to apprise him of another colour change scheme. It was during second tenure of Benazir Bhutto that Pakistan Railways all of a sudden started changing trains colour starting with main express trains. On inauguration of first such colour changed train (Tezgam) at Karachi Cantt Railway Station the Railways Minister was asked the rationale for this change. His reply was since many people travel without tickets, this change of beautiful colour scheme will make them buy tickets. God saved us that soon after the minister was sent home. Whether the ticketless passengers started buying tickets or not there is no record available but there is on official record that the NWFP paint factory of the then Railway Minister’s brother got enough paint supply orders.

Posted by emo/shahnaz at 11:10 AM EST
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Some of our leaders and so called intellectual writers always try to impress us India is much superior than Pakistan. Whereas fact is our dear country Pakistan in no case is less than India in any field rather in some sectors we have edge over India. The example of which is India always try to follow may be with a little change whatever Pakistan did. For example Pakistan had from 1980 to 2000 a very nice and wonderful insurance policy for Overseas Pakistani workers particularly most suitable for labour class (in 2000 just to earn a little more money the shape of the scheme was damaged). Indians recently following Pakistan have introduced this scheme for its non residents. We “manufactured” a high priced Pakistan Origin Card for Pakistanis who are settled abroad. India has recently followed the same.

The other day a small news item passed through my eyes but unfortunately before I could read fully or make copy or note down date etc the newspaper got destroyed. As far as my memories guide me the news item was that in line with speedy developing relations India had shown its desire to buy electricity from Karachi Electric Supply Corporation. I am a Karachite and have pride of living at an average 6-8 hours a day in load shedding. Come a little drop of rain sometime I have lived continuously for 2 to 4 days without electricity. India does not want to let we the Pakistanis have any overriding extra pride and now in order to ride on train of “load-shedding” it wants electricity from KESC and deprive us from the exclusive pride we at present have “strongest load shedding bearing people”. KSEC exporting electricity by the way could be 2004’s best joke.

Posted by emo/shahnaz at 11:10 AM EST
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26 December 2003

I saw a movie on TV. The story was that a person had a five star hotel which he sold on throw away price to a buyer who was happy that he bought it very cheap. But manager of the hotel later told the new owner that the hotel was sold only because a man called “Raja” encroaching upon the hotel building had built a Chappra Hotel within the compound of 5 start hotel which despite his influence the previous owner could not get vacated. The new owner whenever talked with Raja for vacating the premises, the manager of the hotel always supported the view of Raja. Each time the new Owner enquired from the Manager being his employee was he with him or with Raja, the Manager always replied “I am with you Sir”.

Each successive government of our told we the people that Arabs being Muslims have all supported Pakistan in all its national emergencies, in international forums and causes. Since a decade voices have often been heard from quarters that are Arabs really that much friends or supporters of Pakistan as we are told or we think of. One example in this regard is given that no Arab country has “fully in clear cut terms” ever supported Pakistan in the matter of Kashmir with as much open voice as it should be from a brother Muslim brother and these Muslim Arabs have never ever openly opposed or criticised India in same reciprocately as Pakistan openly favours them on Israeli issue. Take recent example what is happening in Kashmir at the moment. No Arab country has openly condemned India for killing of innocent Kashmiries but only just to complete formalities polite diplomatic words have been used "thee should be peace". India recently gathered all its forces to harass Pakistan, no Arab country openly in clear cut words condemned India for it but just desired through official statements that both side should concentrate on peace. Keeping silent and not supporting you in clear terms in practical term tantamounts to technically supporting the other as by not casting vote in your favour always means technically voting your opponent as benefit of your absence in technical terms goes one vote in his favour. Arab support is only limited to a small portion of financial aid. One of our very senior writer very recently stated had Arabs been really sincere in welfare of Pakistan they could had helped Pakistan through their more investments in Pakistan, more imports of products and manpower from Pakistan,

Today while destroying the old newspapers piled up in my home I found in issues of July & August a lot of letters from readers appeared in newspapers saying how many Pakistanis there used to be in UAE some years back and today what was the position. One stated not merely number of Pakistani labour, employees and businessmen had decreased which places have been taken over by indians, even there are never any Pakistani films in cinema halls, on TV no Urdu programmes on Radio (there is one but that is in Hindi controlled by Indians). One reader from Canada stated some years back when he went to UAE he found as if he had come to Pakistan and today he find it totally different mostly indians at every places.

Gulf Strategic Research Institute has released its report published in a Saudi Daily on 23 July 2002 saying Saudi Arabia is the largest investor in India amongst the Gulf States. According to report by end 2001 Saudis had invested Indian Rs. 8 arab (8 billions or 80 billions?) which is 25% of total Gulf investment in India. Second is UAE which had invested 7 arab Indian Rupees followed by Kuwait at Rs. 5.8 Arab and Sultanate of Oman at 5 arab (old mathematics system of sub continent lacs, arab – one arab probably equal to one billion ).

Are you with me or Raja?

Posted by emo/shahnaz at 11:09 AM EST
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25 DECEMBER 2003

Authorities at Central Directorate of National savings have always been telling the nation they are on top collecting public deposits, and even more than banks, hence they should be treated at par as a Banking institution and employees paid accordingly for their extraordinary efforts in collecting investment. These investments were due to higher rates fixed by previous welfare oriented governments of Ayub Khan, Zulifiqar Bhutto and Ziaul Haq and not due to any remotest personal effort of executives or staff.

Now that the poverty elevating governments of Nawaz Sharif and General Musharraf have reduced these rates I wonder where has gone the demand-slogans of national savings authorities to treat the organization as a Banking institute.

Posted by emo/shahnaz at 11:07 AM EST
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20 DECEMBER 2003

An Indian from Hindu religion married two real sisters. One sister is disabled. Poor aged father of girls as far as my personal feeling is did the best a father could do for his child. The young man who took the responsibility of a disabled also deserve praising. And I am sure ALLAH will help him. Taking responsibility for whole life of a disabled practically is not that a small job.

I am not a religious biased. Hence my this question may in no case be taken as such from any critical point of view but only purely for a general knowledge curiosity purpose.

All religions to me teach its followers to respect humanity, help the poor, not to harm anyone, not to hate anyone. This is not because I am a Muslim, but fact is Islam has given more emphasis on these qualities. For example Islam requires a Muslim to equally respect eg the Holy Bible. I dame care what America wants to treat or paint today Islam or its followers as religious extremists. The fact and truth is Islam has taught peace and not any type of extremism in the name of religion. For one example Islam does not teach a Muslim all the time remaining in prayer but has asked equally to do routine world affairs and has margins and limits for each field. What a small fraction of misguided so-called Muslims preach or act extremism they do not do that due to Islam rather fact is tat that is their livelihood. Such misguided people are in every religion, in every society, in every country and in every race. Take the example of this week's bloody crange in Indian Hyderabad by a small fraction of fanatic Hindus. They are not Hindus; they are professionals who in fact have no religion at all. Their only religion is extremism, creating haters, destructions for political and for their livelihood purposes. Act of their does not mean that over all Hindu religion teaches extremism or hate against Muslims. No those are a small fraction of misguided people who unfortunately think they are doing their religious duty. It is generally given an impression in Pakistan there is a rift between Shias and Sunnis which is in fact wrong as Shias and Sunnis there live altogether as they live here in this peaceful Bahrain. A year back there was a bomb blast in a Shia Mosque. In minutes there were the Sunni youth of the area who immediately took the injured, took them to hospitals and gave their own blood to save lives of injured. And same spirit Shias have for Sunnis.

End tail of west's criticism of Islam always is that it has allowed a Muslim male four marriages whereas no other religion allows even two marriage at a time. I have read Hindu scholars articles on this subject, even an Indian on line site “the poineer” which mostly carry articles on one single item that Islam allows more than one marriage at a time which no other religion allows. So my question just for my general knowledge is does Hindu religion allow having two wives at a time and that too real sisters. I once again honestly say this question is only for updating general knowledge and with no slightest bias whatsoever. Hence my request if some one can update my knowledge with scholary information and not from any critical negative view point.

Posted by emo/shahnaz at 11:07 AM EST
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20 DECEMBER 2003

During 1960s and perhaps till mid 1970s there used to be mobile banks going to schools, introducing tender age students importance of savings, opening bank accounts with just 8 Annas or one Rupee, advising student to save from their pocket when mobile bank would come next week or fortnight to collect further deposit. Do people know where is this money? Has all been taken back by those young students or small kids having grown up forgot those account and today all it is lying somewhere unclaimed? Is there anyone of worth who can take interest in this matter, I think no one will.

Posted by emo/shahnaz at 11:06 AM EST
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18 DECEMBER 2003

Oman deported last month 608 Pakistanis loaded in two cargo boats who were staying there illegally. These boats were heavily overloaded and living conditions on boat as narrated by passengers were pathetic eg. there was only one life saving boat available.

Entering or staying in a foreign country is an illegal act which in no way can be appreciated. But point is can under any international recognized law a person having entered into a country illegally or legally committing an offence/crime be sent back on “cargo boats” instead of regular airline, ship or ferry service. The deporting country can to my knowledge send such people on a regular airline claiming reimbursement of repatriation expenses through diplomatic channels. Leave our embassies lethargy towards their own nationals. Dr. Mubashar Hassan once stated that behaviour of Pakistan diplomats abroad with their own nationals was below humanity. In international press of 04.12.2003 there is a news items that due to some family problem (between a Belgian mother and Iranian father) two sisters (14 and 6 years) took refuge in Belgium Embassy in Iran as they wanted to go to Belgium to live with mother. Belgian Foreign Minister personally was aware of this matter and stated that his government was trying to solve the problem with the help of Iranian government but if need be he would personally fly to Iran for this purpose. A Foreign Minister just for two people leaving his country and in our case our Embassy does not care for 600 lives. Our Embassy appeared to had no interest with lives of hundreds for arranging flying them by airline for later recovery of the expenses from families as state debit let alone where is the money collected from overseas Pakistanis in the name of community service. On the other hand we are told Arabs are our friends, they have increased import of Pakistan labour and shown interest to accommodate more Pakistanis {practically number of Pakistanis is decreasing in Middle East].

PS: A letter from an “Affected Doctor” from Karachi is before me appearing in Letters to Editor column of Daily DAWN Karachi dated 15/2/2004. The concerned doctor says he was registered with Medical Council of Ireland. He was appear in some professional examination for which he paid Fees to the above Medical Council. The Council declared Oman and Dublin as examination centers. Oman being near to Pakistan and economical for traveling expenses he opted it. He along with many of his other colleagues who had to appear in same examination went to Oman Embassy in Karachi where for hours they were asked to remain standing “outside gate” of Embassy. No official according to the Doctor came out to listen to them and after hours wait they were returned back refusing visa even they were not provided any visa applications forms. This letter has not surprised me what I have myself seen in Middle East what they do with Pakistanis. Based on my experience I an say without any hesitation had these doctors been Indians embassy would had with open hand “with respect” welcome these doctors and granted them visas.

Posted by emo/shahnaz at 11:05 AM EST
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10 NOVEMBER 2003

On first of Ramadhan banks deduct zakat from accounts. I am just an ordinary citizen not highly educated hence I am not so sure but I understand under the rule/law, the Banks are required a month before first of Ramadhan to inform each account holder that on first Ramdhan zakat would be deducted and if anyone does not want to get it deducted as per prescribed procedure he may informa the bank accordingly. Can any of your learned readers confirm if understanding given to me is true.

Posted by emo/shahnaz at 11:04 AM EST
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28 November 2003

Some people have shown their happiness on Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan prohibiting automobiles and real estate dealers to collect deposits before actual delivery of products/plots etc. These people say this practice was “more specifically” present in housing societies.

Belief that such a practice limits with private concerns only is wrong. There are many examples. For one example Overseas Pakistanis Foundation (OPF) which is a semi autonomous body under Federal Ministry of Labour and Manpower long ago seeked applications for allotment of plots in its “Chatter Housing Scheme” Murree. It invited applications on First-Come-First Basis. Everyone of us knows that the first-come-firm-basis means “product is ready available, come, pick one up, pay, take and go home”. Which in simple wording means packets of potatos are ready, give money by one hand and pick up one packet in the other hand and go your home. On receipt of applications with advance payment OPF kept these un-attended instead of allotting. Later on it was revealed it had started collecting money, in fact offered to sell an item over which it had till then no proprietary control, no legal rights. After collecting money it enjoyed earning tremendous profits on deposited amounts and one day it refunded only principal on a flimsy ground that NOC for scheme was with drawn. The fact was it had not got sole rights over the land and started offering for sale without any legal rights to sell. Similar thing happened when it started selling plots in its non existence Faisalabad Colony and now after more than 12 years it has asked people to get refund back

Posted by emo/shahnaz at 11:03 AM EST
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10 NOVEMBER 2003

India has for some time adopted a novel technique initially accepting Pakistan's peace initiative or itself desiring to talk peace but when such a mutual dialogue reaches to a stage from where real serious sincere ever lasting journey towards peace could practically be chalked out, all of a sudden India do something which must stall or destroy furtherance.

For example recently India itself has offered a 12 point peace agenda and as usual General Pervaiz Musharraf who in letter and spirit want peace realizing well it was in the interest of poor people at large of both countries accepted this offer. But Indian side as per its habit has once again tried to stall the peace. While on Indian offer of 12 point Pakistan has shown its as usual positive reaction Indian foreign minister all of a sudden on 2 November accused Pakistan of stalling talk on aviation links adding that “Pakistan does not want Indian airplanes flying over its space”. When talks are to start then why start hurling accusations and blames before coming on the table? In line India failed in its ill designs to create misunderstandings on the occasion of Saudi Crown Prince's tour to Pakistan when Saudi Government on 1st November 2003 openly between Pakistan and Arab world when on 1st November Riyadh issued an official statement referring to Indian newspapers that creating that such attempts were immoral.

Who one sided unilaterally placed ban on use of air space? India. 3 years it itself disconnected air links thinking it would hurt Pakistan. But according to wording of an Indian legislature in Indian Parliament it “did not create even a slightest dent to Pakistan”. Realising soon that India was more dependent on Pakistan for use of air space and its airline was getting more losses, it very soon started single point peace talk on “aviation”. Pakistan very rightly took a stand on aviation it was already read to resume air links as it was in the interest of both countries but India should ensure in future it would not “unilaterally” one sided place such a ban again to which India is not agreeing.

As a citizen I intend to convey our President through you that all patriotic Pakistanis are his back and whatever he feels good for the country our support is behind him. But such a talk now should be on all issues and India in no case be allowed air restoration unless a final agreement on all issues is reached or India agrees that it would not disconnect air links in futures without mutual consent.

Posted by emo/shahnaz at 11:02 AM EST
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