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7/13/03-  Dear friends/fans/casual listeners- I’m updating this page for the last time just to announce that “Set Fire To December” is no more.  This was an inspiring project that started off great but just lost steam after the EP fiasco- and as such, was never really able to gain back the momentum. A lot of you know that throughout the last month or so, I’ve still been writing and recording solo demos, not under any particular moniker. I’m pleased to announce that although this story is over- a new one is taking place a this very moment, with a new band, new people, a new style, and a brand new website. This new collective is called “I will fight no more, Forever…..”  And it consists of myself and my co-founder/co-conspirator Mackenzie Garrison. For those not in the know- Mackenzie and I go way back playing and singing and writing in bands together when we were just dumb 15 year old kids. We went our separate ways after high school-moved to different parts of the country, but always talked about the day when we might be able to start up a new project with the aim of playing professionally and creating the best possible music we could- not just for ourselves, but for everyone else as well. That time is now- go check out the new website with brand new demos-   

On behalf of the friends who were in this band while it lasted, I’d like to thank you all for supporting it like you did, and signing the guestbook, and just generally helping out. On behalf of myself, I’d like to thank all of the people who were involved in this band on one instrument or another, at one time or another- here they are:

1.    Luke Corry- Guitars

2.     Jon Califf- bass

3.     Clay Henry- Drums

4.     Jason Gunther- Drums

5.    David Califf- Drums


Thanks everyone- hope to see more of you soon.




Alpha Hyperion

Alpha Centaur

Wormwood Nightmare

Orion Navigator




5/10/03- Greetings…………It’s been a long time, although I guess I have a habit of taking too much time out to not take care of the news page here. There’s really been nothing to report- no activity, schedules just aren’t clicking- and the EP that we had labored over was lost- so just a lot of things went wrong. As it stands- an album has been written and is ready to be recorded………….these are the songs.

1.    A Happy Accident

2.    New Year’s Day

3.    Sunday

4.    The Forgotten Trail

5.    Rosehip Tea

6.    The Ghost Of The Future

7.    My Life And Times

8.    Chutes And Ladders

9.    Eloi, Eloi, Lama Sabacthani

10.           Underneath The Frozen Earth

11.           Twin Peaks/Requiem/Winter


I posted a demo none of you have heard in the demos section- it’s an acoustic solo demo of “New Year’s Day”……..hope you like it. The album version will be a bit different and electric.



3/3/03- Hello again. This is just a quick update- the lyrics page has been updated with new lyrics from the new songs being rehearsed- and there should be an update on the demos page fairly soon here too- I’d like to thank everybody that has helped push us beyond the 1,000 hits mark- which may sound silly, but is actually a pretty big deal for a website of a band that has only ever played one show, and released two rough demos on its website. So we’re happy about that. We would appreciate if more people signed the guestbook as well. In any case- an announcement should be made fairly soon here, keep your fingers crossed for that- and keep your eyes on the shows page, as it’s going to be updated soon. For those of you unable to attend- we have some surprises in store, so don’t worry too much. Thanks.



2/19/03-  Hello again friends! It’s been a long, long time since I last put an update here- and there actually is a lot to talk about, so here goes. The EP is finished- just as finished as it was back in the last update- but we had some technical problems, that are currently in the midst of being resolved- so that delays the release of the recording. But, on the good news side of things- we’ve started rehearsing with a new drummer finally, which hopefully will put us in the position to put some shows down on the shows page- we’re rehearsing a plethora of new songs, and though these titles won’t mean anything to you- here are some of the newest ones:

1.    The Ghost Of The Future

2.    New Year’s Day

3.    Chutes And Ladders

4.    The Forgotten Trail

5.    The Martyr

More news to come. Thanks.



1/9/03-   A belated Happy new year and all of that jazz- the record is finished, and being “mastered” as we speak- the artwork is pretty much done and being fit to the proper templates as we speak, in other words- production is about to begin, and this is long overdue. Thanks to all the people that have visited this site- as we’ve now reached the 800 visits mark, and we’ve only been running since the end of September, so not too shabby. Some will notice a link for a “pictures page” has been set up and is inactive right now- keep checking on it- it will be properly running very soon. Not much else to report at the moment, except lots of new songs are being written, and will be rehearsed soon for the second phase of recording after this EP is released. Be on the lookout. Thanks.



12/24/02-  Season’s greetings- lots of news to report- First off, a release date for the Ep has been officially scheduled- we’re shooting for January 15th – it will be available through the website here, and I’ll have more info on that soon-  a final tracklisting has been set for the ep and it is as follows:

1.    Orion(completed)

2.    Wormwood Nightmare Endeavor(in progress)

3.    Twin Peaks(completed)

4.    Requiem/Winter(completed)


The ep will have a limited release of 100 copies- this is because of the big news that I am announcing tonight- Set Fire To December have decided to go ahead and record a full length album. We’re looking at about 16 different songs which will be narrowed to something like 12 in the coming weeks- recording will officially begin for those songs in January, and we have a tentative date of March 15th for the finished product.  Most of these are new songs- with a few “Special” older songs that some of you will recognize being added on- and a full list of the songs will be put up soon.  Thanks.



12/07/02- So we’ve kind of been in the bad habit of taking long breaks between updating, practicing, and recording, and there’s a lot to report now, so where to begin- We’ve been slow in the “shows” department because our original drummer Clay, moved away, so we spent some time looking to fill that spot- and the spot is currently being filled by our new friend whose name will not be mentioned until such time as he gives the ok. We can’t guarantee that his presence is permanent, but we hope for the best.  As for recording- tomorrow marks day one of recording for the final track on the album “Wormwood Nightmare Endeavor” so we hope to get rough guitars, and a final drum track during the sessions tomorrow. By my calculations, we should be able to have a finished EP by Christmas- though probably not for sale until the beginning of the new year. The site has been updated, sort of- I removed all the old solo demos that were clogging it up, so that right now, the only song up there is “Twin Peaks” in its nearly finished form. As always, if you like what you hear, come to the website and sign the guest-book. In other news, we ARE looking at some live opportunities once we’ve got this EP wrapped up, so keep your eyes peeled. 


11/07/02-  Twin Peaks is now available for download over on the downloads page, as noted at the top of that page, all demos that are rotated off that site, are going to be moved to the website so as to save space on this site for whatever sorts of things we add to it. Recording of the third and final song for the ep “Wormwood Nightmare Endeavor”, should commence this weekend.  Enjoy the demo, and please, say something on the website if you like it.


11/06/02-  Big News! Twin Peaks has now been finalized, and while an mp3 is not yet available for download on the website, it will be available on pretty soon. Keep checking back for news on that. Thanks to everyone who has been downloading the stuff so far, there’s a lot more to come, and as evidenced by the new mix of Twin Peaks, it keeps getting better and better. 


10/28/02Another big day of recording, this time resulting in nailing the drum tracks for “Twin Peaks” which is slated to be the third song on the upcoming ep. This time yours truly is behind the kit, and on the strings, so twice the rock is in effect.  Some guitars will be added tomorrow, be on the lookout for the first rough mix to be up in a few days.


10/25/02 -  Day four of actual recording has resulted in the nailing of vocals for the track, or at least a rough idea of what the finished product should sound like, and it’s over on the downloads page now, so be greedy while you can. Because of our pleasant surprise at the sound quality of recording, we’re going to go ahead and record a three song ep, and either put it out ourselves, or have it put out by a local indie label, we’ll see what happens. Be checking that shows page, we should have some pleasant announcements in the not too distant future.

-Set Fire To December

10/23/02 Day two of recording ended about two hours ago, and this time there’s evidence that I’m not making this up, over on the download page. That’s right, the first actual piece of recorded material from the collective that is Set Fire To December. Download, enjoy, post about on the guestbook, and keep checking back as we update the page with the final version of this song, and newer songs. Lots of stuff going down, we’re just getting started.


10/21/02 – Day one of recording ended about two hours ago. For those wanting to know, here’s what went down.  We started with the first song of choice: “Prologue: Orion Navigator”, for those who have heard the solo demo version I did back in the spring that is currently posted on, this is different. It’s the same song, but changes have been made, both in the running time, and in some of the vocal parts. So after laying down the guitar tracks, Clay, the living, breathing beat-box, laid down the drum groove. This leaves Jon laying down his monster bass track tomorrow night, at which time I will post the first piece of recorded material from the Set Fire To December camp.  So yeah, big things happening at a fairly rapid rate. Lots more to come, and a lot of announcements. Keep your navigation systems pointed at Orion.



10/19/02 After entirely too much time away from the news section, here are all the new announcements. For starters, you will notice some general updating on the look of the site, like the front introductory image, and the new banner on the main-frame page. I have also updated the lyrics page, adding the lyrics to a new song “Black Star Engulfer” and adding a listing of many of the songs you can expect to read lyrics to in the near future. You will notice that next to all of the lyrics and titles, there are words in parenthesis (sequence #), this denotes their placement in the overall story, for my benefit and yours.

And finally, the really big news: Demo recording begins for real on Sunday night. Expect some onsite demo-age to appear as soon as possible. More important news and details, to be announced. Keep your eyes peeled, and for god’s sake, PUT THE URL IN YOUR FAVORITES LIST!

-Alpha Hyperion


10/12/02- OOPS. See that nice, uplifting message below? Scratch it.  Demo recording will commence at some point this week, not sure when, more to come.



10/12/02- The moment we’ve all been waiting for. Demo recording begins tonight at 8:00 sharp.  Expect some tight trax on phat wax served up post-haste.  More to come.



10/07/02- Hey there. Last night was the first live performance by Set Fire To December, and by all accounts, it was a massive success. I’d like to thank everyone who showed,(even though they probably aren’t reading this), and the band that performed before us “Yogurt Cannon”. A good time was had by all, and a significant amount of cosmic activity was witnessed, in the form of three songs(ie: our setlist)

1. Prologue: Orion Navigator
          2. Wormwood Nightmare Endeavor

3. Twin Peaks, 1989(new)

Thanks to everyone for the support, and if you read this, please sign the guestbook. In some other news, I’m working on the possibility of having the band record a couple demos this month; we’ll see what happens.



9/30/02- Greetings from a world where music never ceases.  I’ve been hard at work fixing problems on the site, and actually, most of the work is being done by my good friend and co-conspirator in the design effort “jon”(not the same as the bassist), so I’d like to send out massive props to him. Without his help, this site would blow worse than it did when I started it.  I’d also like to send out thanks to one kristie, for giving me the stars image that is used on the “saga………” page.  And a massive thank you to Rene Tewksbury, whose photography is featured on the “friends and companions” page.  


Onward. This week we count down to the proper landing of the starship Set Fire To December; we will be performing three songs, albeit long ones, and the gig is free, so no one’s getting ripped off. There will be epic shows soon enough, ha.  For those who care, or like to pretend to, here is the setlist for the show, in proper order and everything.

1.                           Prologue: Orion Navigator (the extended version as recorded by me in the spring can be found here. )

2.                           Wormwood Nightmare Endeavor

3.                           Twin Peaks, 1989(brand new)


Probably won’t be seeing any of you there, but even that won’t stop us.




9/26/02- Hello all, this is version 1.0 of the SetFireToDecember website; hope you like it, and that it makes sense. There will be constant updates on this site, so check back often. Lots of stuff going on around here.
