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Seamouse's Projects and Current Events Still haven't chased you away, huh? Okie Dokie....
Well, in current events,
(1) At work, I'm learning lots and lots about management, as in how-to. It's a much more complex thing than I'd originally thought, and so many different ways to go about it, and which way is best depends on the person - no two people can manage the same way and get the same results.
(2) Saving for grad school, but not sure exactly what my major is. Probably creative writing, but I've got some time left before I choose my master's program.
(3) I've been exploring new venues of creativity lately. Drawing, for instance, is providing a release for a lot of thoughts I can't seem to ascribe words to. Also, I really enjoy pen-and-ink and have been playing about with word art. I'd like to get back into charcoal drawings, but it's such a messy medium, I think i'd rather wait on that until I'm living somewhere with darker carpet. Also, I've just recently discovered acrylic paint. What a versatile medium. So I figured I'd run out of black first, right? Surprise! The first color I ran out of was actually white. Can't do a thing without it.

In the way of projects, I've got a few running, some higher on the priority list than others..

(1) Paying off my student loans.
(2) Helping to take care of my grandfather, whose health is deteriorating lately, but who, thank goodness. is still mentally himself.
(3) Language studies. After a couple of years of rust accumulation, I'm relearning some basic japanese, though wouldn't it be nice to be interested in a language that at least uses the same alphabet as English? Also, I'm brushing up on French just a bit.
(4) Veganism. Can veganism and goth be compatible? This is a great question whose answer I have decided to seek. No ingredient shall go without scrutiny, no product shall be left uninvestigated, but ohmygawd, it's so complicated! would love to hear from any informed persons with their take on this one.