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Bio of a Seamouse You're Kidding, right? Okay, you asked for it....

Name: Seamouse. No, my nickname is Gypsy, sometimes Mouse, and my real name is on reserve for people that I know in person. Lotta crazy people... In fact, they all are. Not one sane little buggie in the lot.
Location: This year, Oviedo, Florida (long story)
Gender: Female. what, it's not obvious?
Occupation: Bookstore person thingie, bassist, writer
Bookstore Person Thingie: Yeah. Love my job. Actually, yes I do. Bummer if I end up on a salary, because I'd probably be setting up a cot by my desk and just living there - go home for an hour every day to shower and then come right back.
Bassist?: Yes, I play the fish. Well, that is I used to. Now, for some reason, I only play when I'm miserable, which really isn't how I want it to be. Could just get off my lazy ass and play. It would be nice to have somebody to jam with. Screw it, Whatever.
Writer?:Yah, so everybody says they're a writer.I'm not prolific. In fact, I've had writer's block for nearly eight months straight. No, I don't write poetry. My work is probably all even more hackneyed than I think it is, and will never be published by anybody with enough sense to be in the business, so we'll call it my guilty little private affectation. see projects page if you're interested in details, assuming I've been industrious enough to post them.
Education: BA in Bio with a chem minor from Denver U. Have decided it's time for Grad school, too. Have the GRE book, actively studying, still need to choose a Master's program - everything is so interesting, I want to learn it all.
Past-times Sleeping, reading, writing, drinking too much. I draw a little, and poorly at that. I dance, if you could call it that. I study languages sporadically, pretend to teach myself something about advanced mathematics, philosophy, music, chemistry, and comparative literature, but who am I kidding? I'm just another subgenious pseudointellectual with delusions of potential. We're a dime a dozen, and mostly underachieving losers, anyway.
Music: I like to listen to the Dropkick Murphys, Bronx Casket Company, Cirque du Soleil, Opera, Alice Cooper, The Cure, the occasional Iron Maiden song, The Smiths/Morrissey, Lords of Acid, Cruxshadows, Leonard Cohen, Nina Simone, Dance Hall Crashers, blah, blah, blah
Phone Number: Made you Look
Address: Made you Look
Birthdate:November 27, 1979. That would make me a Sagittarius, for those of us who don't have these charts memorized. I know I don't.
Relationship Status: Compulsive Avoidance. I like my freedom.
Height: 5'7", 6'1", depending on the boots
Untill I can put up a better picture, this is what I look like: "Hey, that's not a real picture!" Well, duh. But it's accurate. Four eyes, long hair, big feet...Seriously, I'll get a real one up soon. No, that's a lie. I won't. I hate having my picture taken, and don't plan to submit to it for the sake of a silly little freebie web tribute to my self-absorbtion.
Favorite Foods: cherries, coffee, tofu, lemon anything
Identifying Marks: Right, like i'm gonna tell the world. What if you're spies? You're out to get me! I knew it! Gah!! Well, yes, I have a couple of tattoos. And a tongue bar. I'd be just as happy if I hadn't gotten the tats. Oh, well.
Favorite Authors:Doyle, Haruki Murakami, Dickens, Hugo, Margaret George (more of a guilty pleasure, that one),Thich Naht Hahn, J.V. Jones, J.K.Rowling, - most of these smack of escapism. oh, screw it, i like them.
Manga Artists: Rumiko Takahashi and Yu Watase, oh yeah! To the uninitiated, they are best known for Ranma 1/2, and Fushigi Yugi, although Yu Watase has released Alice 19th, a very cute new story - looking forward to the next volume
Personality: Solitary, nocturnal type. I'm a study in opposite extremes. Any kind of mood I'm in, I experience it thoroughly, and I live on the edges of any given spectrum because moderation is for monks and I'm not so virtuous, but I worry a lot about kindness and manners. I have this annoying desire to be liked. It comes and goes.

Some things I seriously dig Dancing, steamed vegetables (shut up), japanese everything, obscure movies, buckle-y boots, writing in a brand-new blank book, espresso, a book, snow, sitting in a window and watching the snow, a hot bath in a big tub, did I mention snow?, a warm bed in a cold climate, people who make me think, people who do think, road trips, nail polish that lasts more than two hours (yeah, right. I do way too much with my hands to keep polish intact), night drives, and dancing.
Some things that I seriously do not dig: meat, wasted potential, stubborn ignorance, drama