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Here are some pics of me and some folks I know

this is me

Hi! I'm sarah! I'm not too exciting really. I am definitly a bit of a wierdo. I'm a HUGE fan of punk and emo music. I love going out to shows and singing along, cause the fact that I can't sing doesn't matter there... no one can hear me. I have BAD hair. If you have any questions... feel free to give me a shout at I love to talk to people from far off places....

Click on the pic of my hand to read about what's written on my hand and how it got there.


I like these bands:
Dashboard Confessional, MxPx, The Juliana Theory, Sinclaire, Knapsack, Project of 86, Saves the Day, A New Found Glory, Jimmy Eat World, The Get Up Kids, Slick Shoes, Pedro the Lion, Ghoti Hook, The Hippos, The Lyndsay Diaries, twothirtyeight, The Logan Wish, New Amsterdams, Weezer, Good Charlotte, Pensive, Blink 182, Fenix tx, Pop Unknown, Further Seems Forever, Silver Scooter, Treble Charger, Suicide Machines, Stroke 9, Samian, Green Day, Me First and the Gimmee Gimmee's, I hate myself, Less Than Jake, Jebediah, Mineral, Appleseed Cast...etc.

now, before we proceed... please Sign my guestbook! Thank you.

I took my crappy digital camera to school one day and just walked around and snapped a bunch of shots of the people in the hallways. I actually have no friends. These are all strangers and I'm just trying to make my self look cool, by creating illusion that people actually like me.

click on the pic to see it in a big version

Here's a pic of my boyfriend Kalle... at his best!

This Alex. He has BIG hands... I have small hands.

Here's Lisa.

This is Margarita.

This is Mike... he's kinda insane.

This is Shlomo. Shlomo is super awesome!

Morani seems quiet and shy, but may actually be the devil.

This is Ese. (it's pronounced like those things you have to write for history class)

This is Miriam. She's super.

Ryan's going to police school next year.

This is Zach. He's in my law class and king of the yearbook.

This is Albert. He has a big head, so he's smart.

Jordan's an actor. Hopefully he'll become really famous and I'll get to say "Hey! I know that guy." His screen name isn't Jordan though... it's Hunter.

Anne kept making me take pics of here!

Alicia said "Don't take a picture!" then made this face.

Ilana does have hair, you just can't see it. Yes, she has been wearing solid black since '97.

Kalle's sister Kristi is actually 19!

Josh is a nice guy, but he's gonna be one of those cold blooded corperate take-over guys when he grows up.

Now, that I've shown you people I know... time for me!!! Then I'll show you pics of people I know standing together.

Just in case any of you curious folks were interested... this is what i look like from behind.

I do occasionally bust-a-move.

And for you curious, yet forgetful, folks... this is what i look like from behind-- again.

I wanted a picture of my high in the air, so I stood on a table. I wasn't high enough, so I put a chair on the table. However, I would have rather been higher.

Umm... this is the last pic of just me. Now we are onto the group shots!!! Isn't this exciting? ...well, it is to me.

This is me, Kalle Miriam and a little bit of Erikson. Erikson wants to kill me. I'm not sure why. Vern (who I don't have a picture of) told me it was because Erikson thinks I'm wierd looking, but other then that Erikson's a nice enough guy.

Here is Itay and Miriam

Oh my goodness! It's Itay and Miriam again!!!

Well, I know that this pic is of Kalle and Ryan, but I'm not too sure what's going on.

This is Miriam and Jordana. I'm quite surprised that Miriam actually let her picture be taken here. She normally has to be photographed with force.

Here's is Kalle and Ozzy. Umm... I guess I had fewer group pics than I thought... I'm very sorry that I led you on. Please feel free to track me down and punch me. *disclaimer* the last statement was said in jest and I am not saying it is okay to track me down and punch me. Okay... well, now I'll just show more pics of other people. After those, whenever I add new pics, it'll just be after these and I'll lose my lovely order... but oh well!

Here's another pic of kalle. It's kinda grainy, but he's a real cutey, huh? Well, he's at least not too ugly. Well, he's pretty ugly but...

Anne kept making me take pics of here... this is one that she posed for... or was this just how she was sitting. whatever, i can't remember.