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               carefully plucked strings suspend coloured teardrops above the cauldron stirred by a bounding bassline heated in a relentless frenzy of beats and crashes... a wailing voice, pleading to keep it together.

a demon screams. his teardrop is your waterfall. wank




                                  Welcome to the website.






why don't these fucking pictures come up?
fucking microsoft word is not fit to make
web sites!! noodles.It seems so long since I’ve been here!

We’ve A little bit to report:


New photos.


Robberbaron recorded three more tracks,

Being: Black is Morning, Alone in My Room

and My Weaknesses.

Email me your postal address if you would like

a free copy and leave your bedroom blinds open



We have upcoming shows! (I exclaim)


Sunday 10th October 1pm

@ the boyerhole, Greystanes

w/ Left Hand Cuts the Right

+ Guns Boys Guns


Thursday 14th October 8pm

@ the Arncliffe Hotel

w/ Ward 4

+Burning Green

+ 90 Percent


and possibly

Wednesday 20th October 8pm

@ the Cat & Fiddle, Balmain

we headline, others TBC.


Check the gig section for more details


Rob, our friends Carly and Boyer, and I went

to Melbourne for awesomefest last weekend

which was a real blast. We met and chatted

with lots of nice people and saw some good sets.

Too many bands to list here, but

‘Eleventh He Reaches London’ from Perth were

probably my favourite act.

Thanks to Peter for almost single-handedly

Organising the event.



Photos from boyerhole 4/10/04 by Ruvey Nancy



Sound files up with lyrics in

case you wanted to know what I






























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