These scripts are released under the terms of the GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (GPL). Do what you will with them. Change them, share them, redistribute them, but DO NOT try call them your own. See the enclosed file GPL to read the terms of the GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Or see */ require("config.php"); require("functions.php"); // $docRoot and $galleryRoot defined in config.php $galleryDir = $docRoot . $galleryRoot; if (!empty($gallery)) { // get path to requested gallery. $gallery variable passed to page via query string $galleryDir = $galleryDir . "/" . $gallery; // get image list. image list array posted to this page when user comes from // a page within the same gallery. otherwise, scan directory for image list if (!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['imgList'])) { $imgList = $HTTP_POST_VARS['imgList']; } else { $imgList = getImgList($galleryDir); } // get image count if value wasn't passed to page from query string if (empty($imgCnt)) $imgCnt = count($imgList); // use default template if template not specified in query string // default value defined in config.php if (empty($tmplt)) $tmplt = $defaultTemplate; // determine whether thumbnail or image page // if image page, get path to image that is to be displayed if (empty($imgNo)) { $pgType = 'thumb'; } else { $img = $galleryRoot . "/" . $gallery . "/" . $imgList[$imgNo - 1]; $pgType = 'image'; } // include output templates require('./templates/' . $tmplt . '/header.php'); require('./templates/' . $tmplt . '/' . $pgType . '_page.php'); } else { header("Location: http://" . $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_HOST'] . dirname($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF']) . "/admin.php"); } ?>
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