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11-28-02 Sorry that I have not updated the site in a long time. As you probably know, I got a new game, Metroid Prime and Metroid Fusion. I have gotten pretty far in these games, and I think I'll beat Metroid Prime soon. I'll also update the Picture site soon. That's it for now, see ya later.

Enjoy the Site,

10-6-02 Simon is supposed to get a Gamecube today. Lets all wish him good luck and that he has lots of fun with his new purchase.

Enjoy the site,

9-14-02 It is a great pleausre to have my own site, and an even greater one to know that you took the time to check it out. As you've probably noticed, many of the sections aren't done yet, but they will be in due time. So, check out what you want, and I'll update this site periodicly.

Enjoy the site,

Images and Content © Zibi Bednarz 2002

Disclaimer: Zibi Bednarz in no way, shape, or form supports the opinions and views
displayed on this web site. He simply writes the code for the website.