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My Attempt to Better the World

Whatta you looking at?

Since I am a meaningless individual in the dark mass that is indeed human society, and will remain to be a puppet to the world's governments (or economies) I will attempt to show the world exactly how i think the universe works. Whats important, whats not, what i would do had i the power, how i feel about certain issues. Some of my extreme issues may seem rather out there, but that is the point. I think that people should listen to others (mainly me), learn from them, and take home my incredible wisdom. Ha!

cowCows have a strange quality to them...on one level they are meaningless animals that exist purely to rid the earth of grass and feed the blood-sucking carnivores of this planet...or they are the prophets for us all, showing guidance to our inner souls that are our psyches, exloring unexlained channels of thought and emotion...explaining what we know but are ignorant about. Or, on the other hand, they could just be cows. I prefer to think they are a clever mix of both...terribly smart but have the common sense to remain anonymous... so that the power-hungry human race will not be able to suck their life-force and power dry. Instead, they can simply go on existing, with the happy knowledge inside that they are indeed smarter than the rulers of this planet, and could happily take over the world, without the slightest bit of trouble. We humans would bow down to their extreme wisdom, their beneficial insight to the future, past, and present. They would be clever and do the American thing: charge money and not deliver the product. Those clever cows. How i wish i had one eighth of their wisdom.

sexymanI got the equilibrium dvd on saturday...and i have watched it at least 4 times so far. That dude is really sexy! as erin would say "damn, look at his bone structure!" Although i didnt know this, its the same dude from little women! Laurie! the jerk who was....jerkish. Still, hes a sexy guy with guns in this movie. Who cares what he's like? Plus, he has rippling biceps! Not exactly rippling, but nice. I'm not sure about the abs, as you never really see him without a shirt (its not that kind of movie) but due to the status of his arms, i believe that his abs will be similar in disposition. SEXY!