~*i'M jUsT a KiD aNd LiFe Is A nIgHtMaRe*~

*i ThInK i'M cRaZy BaBy*

*wE'Re ThE cOoLesT kIdS*

*FoR yOuR vIeWiNg PlEaSuRe*

*DiD yOu SaY sOmEtHiNg*

*dEeP ThOuGhTs*

*LeAvE yOuR mArK*

*YoU wAnT tO kNoW*

*PlAcEs To Go AnD tHiNgS tO dO*

*I lOvE bRaNd NeW*

This is my senior pic. I hate it for obvious reasons, but Mom loves it. Her opinion over rides mine, so it's a keeper.

last chance to lose your keys
Last Chance to Lose Your Keys

What Brand New Song Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Which Donnie Darko character are you? by Shay

February 7...

It's been a while but I've made various updates in most sections. Mostly the picture and friends sections.

August 18...

watch out..i've become addicted to photoshop! check out the photoshop section in my pictures place.

August 17...

i put up new pictures form random stuff. plus, there is a new friend.

July 21...

new pics from appalacia.

July 9...

watch out! Sandy Chen is on the friends page!

July 7...

Get excited! There are a bunch of new pictures. I lost my camera.

June 25...

new pics in the friends section. There is a star on the pages where the new ones are.

June 17...

I swear....there will be more pics soon.But for now, I put up lots of old ones.

May 14...

I have a new friend...I have new quotes. Yes. Umm..nothing is new.

May 12...

new pictures

May 10...

uhhh...i'm bored. i stayed home tonight because i'm poor, tierd and stuff.

"Hands down this is the best day I can ever remember..."- Dashboard Confessional

May 7...

uhh....there are new pics. I haven't done anything lately because my computer is broken..it is still somewhat messed up.bye.

April 23...

What Color of Gwen's Hair are YOU?

April 23...

I'm listening to the new Midtown Cd...so I'm happy.

April 21...

Sooo..Skate and Surf was awesome. I saw Midtown, some of Finch, The Boxes, Catch 22, Bigwig, and lots more. Midtown kicked ass. The Boxes are an awesome chick band and when we went up to buy some merch. from them they were cool so we talked to them and got a pic with tem and stuff. They gave us some free stuff and they gave us a shout out during their set. They were sooo good. Especially since they sang about make up and stuff. You need to go HERE Lily and I waited on line to get Midtown autographs for a while cause there was nothing better to do during the time being. We were first but some weirdo kid wearing brown cut us. He thought he was cool. The kid in back of us was weird and kept smelling Lily and my hair. I buttered up all the Midtown groupie people, but go no free stuff...it works sometimes...dammit. Umm...during Catch 22 and Midtown, these two people in front of us were slow dancing and making out....finally someone threw a crowd surfer on them...it was funny. The weirdest part of the day was when some random man told Lily she had nice legs and then when I laughed he started saying he was every white girls fantasy and lily told him she wasn't white. A fisheman chased me with a fish. We left before all the emos had a chance to cry during the The Get Up Kids.

April 16...

New Midtown cd so off to a CD store I went. It's good. I'm seeing them on Sat. so YAY!

"I don't believe in anyone

but I believe in you.

I never trusted anyone

but somehow I trust you.

And if I fall away........

someday you might find me."-Midtown

April 10...

New pictures.

April 8...

Today was a good day, even though I went back to school. We made these hot air balloon things out of tissue paper a few eeeks ago in Chem. class. They were pretty cool. We launched them today and of course something weird happened. Chris Berdos, Rob, and Will's balloon got caught in the electric wires. It was OK though, they're balloon was so ugly. It was brown, green, and black, with random pieces of ripped tisse paper around it. Two of the sides were red, white, and blue, and they said, USA. Chris and Rob ran over to try and get it down while we all waited for them. Then Rob took some little kids bike because he thought that would make him tall enough to reach it. No, it obviously didn't. Then Chris B found this long wooden plank thing and tried to knock it down w/ that. All the mean while, Lily, Boz, Alison, and I were launching our balloon (which won, by the way). We went over by Chris's balloon cause ours ended up in a tree across the street. Well, Mrs. Shannon started freaking out at Chris for touching the power lines, saying he was gonna get electrocuted (hmm...I can't spell). So then some random Chatham Mom pulls over and says to Berdos, "Don't do that!" Then she called the fire department to come get Chris Berdos's dumb ugly balloon out of the power lines. It was funny. Then in gym Volley Ball, I hit the ball into Boz's face by accident. I hit it so hard, being the strong gal I am, Boz fell over. She was OK. It was sooo...funny. Yea I'm gonna fail gym now because my ass hole Gym teacher thinks I have a negative attitude towards class. Our team hadn't gotten a point all day, and we had one less person than the other team, so he being the finely tuned athlete that he is thought if he joined our team we would make a miricle come back. I told him, that we weren't losing because we had less people, we were losing because we suck.

"Chris, you're gonna get electrocuted!"-Mrs. Shannon

"With a board?"-Chris Berdos

April 5...

Oh my...what a BA night. So Lily and I went to The Nautlius w/ Boz, Tom, and ESK first. We saw Ben Roth, or Sparticus, and we made him sit with us. What a crazy kid. So we went ot the BA afterwards and saw Wainy. Wainy knew some kid, Blage, I think that's wrong but h well. Blage was from Hungary. Blage was with a large group of ferign exchange students. Lily and I like them. These kids took alot of pictures, so Lily and I would run up and get in their pictures. Well, one of these kids, he was American had a bif fro. He started dancing so Lily and I went up and danced with him. I later found out his name was Brian. Well, some of Brian's friends thought we were crazy. Then after we danced with Brian and some other girls and got in a few too many pictures a girl in that group, Crystal approached Lily and I and asked if we liked Brian. I quickly told her that I was dating Brian. She found this odd because the girl right next to her, Jackie, was also dating Brian. Jackie didn't find our joke funny so I told her I was kidding and we really had an eye for Wainy. Crystal thought we were "cool" and showed us Brian's car. An old, green BMW. It was hot. Well after a while we said our goodbyes to our new friends. Before leaving, Lily and I left a love note for Brian on his car. I hope he gets it. Actually, I hope Jackie gets it. Oh yea.....we also met Tobious from Denmark.

"You girls are very weird and funny. I can make fun of you easily."-Blage

April 3...

I went to the mall with Boz and Mabel today. It was fun. We went into Hot Topic first and I was going to get a shirt. But then I decided we'd come back later to get it. Then I realized I was ::stupid:: and I lost my money. That sucked. I wasn't pissed I lost the money. I felt bad because my mom gave it to me last night because she knew I was going to the mall today. She gave it to mee even though she bought me a shit load of stuff that day. I don't know what I'm gonna do tonight. I'd be perfectly content staying home cause I'm freaking tierd as hell. Mabey I will. I can't stand not havong money. I'm getting a job now.

April 2...

Well...no school this week so that's good. I went to like 3 malls with my mom to look for prom dresses. I finally found one. We went to lunch at Johnny Rockets so that was yummy. I felt bad making my mom drive to all corners of the state because I don't even want to go. It's gonna suck. Plus I'm a loser and I'm going alone. I got my hair cut. It's short. I don't like it. I'm gonna see if I can get more Mystagogia pics up. I got a million form Bobby but they're being annoying with my computer. I was supposed to go somewhere with Boz last night but we were both lazy. Therefore i stayed home and watched Ghost World and Angus.

".....another day, a perfect day."- Guster

March 29...

New pictures from Mystagogia and other stuff.

March 17...

Happy St. Patricks day people. I took the SAT's yesterday and they were crazy hard. I'm stuck at home today writting many papers. Fun!

March 12...

Yay it's Easter time which means lots of jelly beans.

March 9...

Wow, what a great weekend. Lily, Boz, Michelle and I all went to Charlie Brown's last night for dinner. It was so good. Then we went and picked up this kid Andrew. We were listening to Little Mermaid music in the car and he didn't like that so I felt it was my duty to yell at him. Well, we went to Madison High school to go see their play but we got there like an hour early because someone I will fail to mention messed us the time. So me and Lily decided to have a chat to get to know Andrew. He told us his nickname was Gibble so we called him Kimmy Gibbler. It was time for the play and as we sat down there he was, the rock star in the flesh, JOHN MUNIZ. So we wscared him a bit by singing Quid. We made him sit in front of us and by the the second act we got him to sit inbetween me and Lily. Oh yea, Boz fell inbetween the chairs in the auditorium and started grunting because she was stuck. It was funny once we knew she was ok. I went to the mall and Boz and I got matching tank tops. Tonight we went to some coffee house and watched KK. Then we went to Starbox and stayed there for a long time. We tested our IQs. Boz came in last. I spent all my money this weekend. Now I have approximatly $1.35. Now I'm here.

March 7...

Testing is finally over! No more sitting in the back of the cold gym. It finally got warm outside. I want to have a tent party with Lily and Boz now.

March 5...

It's colder than it outta be in March.......burr. No Careens at SAT.

March 3...

I'm bored. I was supossed to go to a concert last night but I got sick and my mom wouldn't let me out of the house except for when I went to the doctor's office. I feel better today.

Febuary 27...

I was remined yet again today how much my dad dislikes me. I think he was trying to kill me because after I angered him, we got in the car and he drove worse than he normaly does. SAT class tonight. I don't know why I go. It is inevitable that I will do bad on them.

Febuary 26...

More new pictures. Nothing exciting has happened.

Febuary 18...

New pictures.

Febuary 16...

Well Well well....Went to the mall with Lily and Tom. It was one CRAZY trip. I got a dress for $4.50!!!! It's perty. I feel sick form the billion pickles I ate at roy Rogers. It's only like 4 o clock and i wanna go to bed. I thinkI'll got o the gym then come home and sleep, and there's a V-Day party so I'll shower then go to that. I think that's tonight, ::checks day:: Yes sir it is. Days off from school screw up my head.

Febuary 14...

Hey people. Burr..it's cold. Happy V-Day to all. Because of this stoopid holiday that gives people a reason to wear pink, I decided to write in pink. No more cast. Just an ugly swollen wrist. I can't even bend the stoopid thing. Yay! action was Super Fun. SAT classes are not super fun. They are super sucky and I don't like them. At least I'm in Lily's class, unlike Anton who is stuck all alone. Yea...some major changes. I changed fonts, layouts, and I added music to make all your perty lil ears HAPPY!

Febuary 7...


January 31...

What a boring day. I broke out my old pogs and we played at lunch. I think Lily won.

January 29...

What's with the weather? It's perty cool. What's with midterms and my ability to fail them all? I got a new bright pink cast. Definetly the way to go. I got my elbow back, but it doesn't work. The silly doctor broke it. I try to lift something up and my arm goes flop. That's not supposed to happen.

January 25.......

Yay...midterms are over and I get my cast cut in half on Monday. It'll only be up to my elbow now. Now I might be able to live a somewhat normal life.

January 24...

wow! A change of color would do some good.

>January 22...

Damn midterms.....

January 20

Just moved stuff around...i think i added a quote or two.

January 15..

I should probably update this page but i have no pictures, no words, no ideas no nothing to update it with.

Adopt your own useless blob!

talk to me on aol at..... phlynfish