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[paul`s case] hey, and welcome to the official [paul`] website. Much thanks for visiting. [paul`] is a emo/punk rock band from the Danvers/Essex area, it is made up of 4 members, all between the ages of 15 and 18. pretty soon i'll put up the lyrics. Check back frequently for more updates

~11-19-01~I finished updating the site! YESAH!!
we gots a new dude in our band. I am still the only girl. oh how fun. but an allustrious, wonderful boy by the name of Jeremy is our singer now. he has a pretty voice.. look for the newest wonder of [paul`] soon on the bio page
**Old News**
Due to the fact that my brother, Ian, has a cool friend named Ryan.. I have recieved a wonderful practice amp. EXCELLENT!!
Peace <><


email [paul`] at

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since 11/15/01