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My poetry; feel free to hate

All poems by: Doug McLaren © 2000/2001

Untitled So Far

I am a very simple poem,
   My lines do not rhyme.
My existance is so meaningless,
   But still I am here.
No one will ever understand me,
   And this is okay.
I am here for only one reason,
   Which is to be read.
People don't need to analyze,
   Their lives will go on.
Only time will tell if I have depth;
   Only time will tell.

Sonnet #1

Wherever God is, the Devil follows.
I ask you simply, where will you find me?
I remain hidden and somehow she knows.
I wish to escape and find myself free.

Where Seraphim on high dare not to tread,
While angels lie, wrapt in secret slumber.
This is where I will be found: lying dead.
I've nothing left, I'm worth nothing to her.

This perfect angel is forever now
Weeping softly, etern'lly, in my mind.
If you had ever lov'd me, then go now;
Leave this place and my troubles far behind.

I will only kill the fire that hides
Behind your beautiful Hazel eyes.

Sonnet #2

From where has all this darkness settled in?
Have I been so subdued that I have paid
No attention to fading light within?
Can it be this hollowness I have made?

Once, there was a glow that burned deep inside.
Now, there is nothing left, save the embers.
Weeping softly, I see that I confide
to deaf ears. They have no mem'ry of her.

She left no trace behind when she walk'd out.
No more than earth stained with her tears and pain.
I, so alone, left here to sort it out.
She said she lov'd me, and I her, in vain.

It was her all along that depressed me.
Now it's by myself where I lay sadly.

My Discovery

I walked along the tracks one day,
And saw a dead rabbit.
She was ripped up and decayed:
Obviously a sacrifice.
I stared down at her,
And death stared back at me.

Betrayed By Love

The blood and sweat pool together in my palms:
Mixing together, they become one.
Your blood and my sweat: as one.
Revel in the pain I have caused.
You will never sleep this well again.
You will never sleep again.
I am the last vision in your lifeless eyes.
Jaundiced head limp now; you bow to me.
I can’t believe you betrayed me.
Revel in my sweet revenge.
We have finally become one.
