Welcome to my Poetry Collective

I used to write alot, I dont really know what happened to it. Someone once told me that you lose a "talent" for something, maybe you'll gain another one. Perhaps maybe.. I lost writing and gained web layout? oh.. I dont know.

Besides the thousand other wishes that go through my head from day to day, I think one of my most sought wishes is the ability to write poetry again. I've been writing lately, but not much and only in blurbs. It's all prose. It's how I've always written, so I ask myself if my poetry is actually poetry, or maybe it's just prose with line breaks. That's be pretty cheesy of me to try to pass it off as poetry.

I don't have a favorite poet, or author. As a matter of fact I loathe English class. I didn't even really like the Creative Writing Class I took in the ninth grade for a semster. I guess it's because I like to write and leave it as is, unedited and not-publishable. I dont seek to get myself published in a magazine or something. Oh heck no. I guess it's the refining and editing that takes place that take the original taste out of it. Of course I've gone back and rewritten some of my stuff, but it doesn't seem the same as editing.

Angel : brief about self and site. Credits where due.
Poetry : the heart and soul of this site
Leave : other places to go