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Hey Everyone! Welcome to my website! I have put quite a bit of time into it so far and am planning on putting a lot more into it! It is going to be updated regularly so come back all the time and see what updates I have done! Hope you enjoy it! Also... e-mail me if you have any ideas for my page or any pictures for it! Or you can ICQ me... my number is 25817470.


Deleted the damn message board! April 30th.

If you like Poetry... I think you should go and read the poems that I have wrote..... they are actually pretty good... Poets have a different way of expressing themselves then others... instead of arguing or fighting, they write down their anger and transform it into lovely poetry which will make people wonder what that person was going through! Poetry is beautiful work and will always be around no matter what!

You know.... to me.. my friends are the most important thing in my life! I don't care what people say! They are always there for you when you need them, always there for you if you don't want to be alone, always willing to be with you! Even if they hurt you, even your bestfriend.... if they make you feel like you are not welcome... deep down you know that they still care about you.. well.... hope so anyway. Here are my friends! Not all of them are on here cause I don't have pictures of all of them! But I will.. oh yes.. I will.. sooner or later I will! I promise you that! There are pictures from my sisters wedding on here too.. and also some of my family.
Pictures Of My Friends

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