Character Quiz!*~


OMG! Hiiiiiiii!!!!! *waves*
Hola seņor!
What do you want?! Go away!

What kind of pet do you have?

A poodle named Pink!
A clam named Roberto.
A robot.
A cat named Velvateen.

On a normal day, what are you wearing?

a pink t-shirt and bellbottoms
An "I <3 Clams" shirt and baggy jeans
A skirt made out of tin foil and a shirt that says "Moo?"
Anything I find, but I never match.

Favorite Bands?

Good Charlotte, blink 182, Britney Spears...happy music!
Nofx, old blink-182, MxPx.
Beehtoven, Motzart, anything classical!
4 Non Blondes, Aerosmith, U2, old music.

Favorite color?


How would your friends describe you?

Happy, sweet, hyper.
Confusing, funny, random.
Weird, genius, shy.
Gothic, mean, intellegent.

How do you feel about school?

I love it!
I usually sleep in school.
I'm home schooled.
I haven't gone to school in a few years.

What kind of shoes do you wear?

Pink sketchers!
Converse high tops.
Big rubber boots.
Platform boots or old school tennis shoes.

How do you get around?

My big brother drives me, places or I walk.
My skateboard or my piece of junk car.
I walk. It's good for ya!
Dive my car or bum a ride off friends.

Welp, bye!

See ya!
Thank God this is over.

Code adapted from alanna's quiz tutorial