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Article One

I commit myself to life. I commit myself to a positive attitude to the fact of my existence and that of the others with whom I share the planet.

Article Two

I commit myself to achieving my potential as a human being. I commit myself to exploring my individuality, creativity and uniqueness.

Article Three

I commit myself to seeking a fair and just balance between my wants and needs and those of others.

Article Four

I commit myself to seeking balance within myself and harmony in my relationships with those with whom I come into contact.

Article Five

I commit myself to living within my means and seeking to enrich my everyday life by exploring all of the possibilities open to me now, rather than living for some dreamed of future that depends on factors beyond my control.

Article Six

I commit myself to accepting the common sense behind the maxim “All things in moderation” and I commit myself to avoiding harmful indulgences which only cause detriment to my own being, that of others and the planet we all share.

Article Seven

I commit myself to contributing as much as I can to the community in which I live.

Article Eight

I commit myself to earning my living honestly.

Article Nine

I commit myself to aiding any child I come into contact with to grow in love and free of fear.

Article Ten

I commit myself to avoiding violence as an option either in argument or in entertainment.

Article Eleven

I commit myself to respect for all cultures that in turn respect inalienable human rights.

Article Twelve

I commit myself to speaking out against those who would ensnare and enslave others in life-negating philosophies.
I commit myself to speak out when I witness injustice and wrong doing and I commit myself to silence, if all I can add to a topic is negativity.

(The articles state each commitment in brief.  For a fuller discussion of what is implied click on the heading for each one.)

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