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Okay, so you just entered the weirdest part of the site. I'm warning you… For some reasons, some persons may be offended by the content below. I just want to remind you that what you'll read is only the way I see life and not the way you should see it… Good reading


First of all, do you really believe stories saying that God created universe? If so, let me explain you my point of view. We are not humans having spiritual experiences, we're spirits having human experience. That means that, what's at base of life is our spirit. We each created our own world. The world we are living in right now. Maybe I created every single person on heart or maybe God really did. Maybe right now I am dreaming. And when I go sleep and I think I'm dreaming I'm totally wrong. Because when I dream I return to the real world, the world where every spirits are living. This explains why we can't see us in our dreams. It's because we're nothing but invisible spirits. We're not composed of any material. What we see is the reflection ok what the person is inside. To resume, life is a "game" we created our selves. The two only questions remaining are, what is there after life and where do our spirits come from.

Do you know peoples that are scared by death? I do but it's not exactly my case. I'm much more scared by what's coming after life. First of all, if God really pardon every one, why would Hell exist? What I think is, if there really is a Paradise, then there is no Hell. Some people are wondering Paradise is the most beautiful place ever created but they're totally wrong. Imagine staying somewhere forever. Do you really want to stay in Paradise for 9999999999999999999999 years and much, much, much more? Can you only imagine something without end? If so you're extremely good. My opinion is, after we die we do go in Paradise BUT not for an eternity. We just stay up there until we've accomplished every single thing we wished to do in our life. When all our dreams and all our projects did come true, we really die, our spirit just disappear. We become nothing, we don't even remember we've existed…

Let's take all this from another side. Let's say God really created Earth and let's say we really are humans with real bodies and all that. Did you know we're using about only 10% of our mental capacities? Did you know that Einstein used only 13% of them? You know, there are some guys in the world, able to twist spoons only with there brain. Do you know why? It's pretty simple. It's because they really believe into spirit's powers. I'm 100% sure that if we firmly believe that we can fly, get invisible, read in mind, make object move etc. we'll really be able to. It's only a question of believing or not. Will you jump across two buildings if you don't believe you'll be able to do it? I don't think so except if you want to kill your self. If we stop basing our world on money and stop destroying each other to survive, than we'll get good results. Because stress and money prevents us to develop our mental capacities.

P eople who believe in Paradise automatically believe that something could have no end. It means that they agree with the fact that universe is "infinite". Maybe it's true but I have problems with that. How could you create something infinite??? It's impossible, for sure. Did you once asked your self what's at the end of universe? I did and I still do. After lots of thinking hours, I found some explanations. The one that makes more sense is this one: when you arrive at the "end" of universe, you instantly appear to the opposite side of it. It's like to find the end of a circle. There is no end, but it's not infinite. Another thing, to create something, you need to start somewhere right? Then something that has no end has no start. How could you create something that has no start?..... And if the universe was really infinite, it would not be finished to be created. It will never be finished. Because you cannot end something infinite. Is that true? Yes?? If so, God did not created universe, he just started it. So if he started somewhere, universe surely got a start point. Did I confuse you a little bit?






















































