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Mission 19 Studios

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March 12, 2005-Got the audio card installed so we have multitrack recording. Looking to install a door on the vocal booth. I know it should have been done a while ago but it never happened. Possible upgrades to the computer soon and more bands needed to record. If you want to record, please tell me. "Saturday night Recording session" for this week was moved to sunday next week it's back to our regular "Saturday night Seesion".

Febuary 23, 2005-Been a while since I updated or even recorded. Though it feels good to be behind the mixer. The Mission 19 studios E-mail account was deactivated so all mail was lost sorry if you sent something to that E-mail account. It is back up and working again. Kevin and myself have been recording again, Kevin is laying some hot tracks. We picked up a third member Eric. Real great guy and a good songwriter. I've been learning a lot and have gotten new equipment. We hopefully will be able to do live multi-track recording in the near future. This will be a big upgrade from before. More to come soon

September 19- It's been a long and crazy summer. FOr the past month I have had a bee invasion into the studio. During that time I rarely could get more then 5 minutes of work in. In other words the studio shut down for a month. Holly finished what she could before she left. I wish her the best of luck in college and I hope to keep in touch. I have pictures of the studio that I just need to scan and place on the page so expect them after I clean up the mess.

July 28-Yesterday was the last day of the summit county fair, where there was a Talent contest/battle of the bands. The studio was there in full force doing the sound. This was a new experince for me seeing most of my work has been in the studio which is a totally different expereince. I learned a lot of new techniques and other fun stuff out there. Plus I got to see some great bands and artists. The two that stand out the most were A Fineline which was a rock band that played good music and had great stage presence. Then there was Valerie. Out of the vocalist section of the show she was the only one to play guitar with her songs while all the other singers sang along to preproduced tracks(some even over the original singers. This made a great impression. Then she got on stage and her charisma and actual talent flowed. Afterwards I congratulated her and she gave me her demo which was phenomenal. It was just vocal and guitar but I could just hear the possibilities hopefully I'll get to play a show with her as she has talent to boot. Tomorrow marks the first day back in the studio with holly. We have limited time so we will be pushing to finish some some songs before she leaves.

June 29- The mixer came in last night and it's partly hooked up to all the wires. Overhead drum mics come in tuesday so wedsnesday will be a start to recording again. Hollys gone this week so when she gets home I hope to surprise her with lots of work done on the two songs she has finished. Driving Blind will be in to do a one song demo hopefully I can get them to do a couple more songs. Kevins will be back in and of course I will also be recording stuff for myself. There will be a big show end of July with most of the tallmadge bands if not all. I always love playing shows with my friends. The recording process has been streamlined yet again.

June 10- I got to see my cousins over the week end and I was so glad to see them I love you guys and hope I get to see you soon. Today I bid on a new mixing board on E-bay. The auction closes tomorrow so I will know if I got it tomorrow or not. Though i did add it to the gear page. If I don't win this auction there are three more I can bid on that are the same. New radiohead album is awesome, if you buy one album buy that one.

June 5- So I have been freakisly addicted to buying music gear lately. I had sent in an order and found another microphone I wanted and now I have ordered yet another thing. Hope I can pay all this off. So half my gear arrived. Two new microphones two new stands and new cables. One day I will move this out of the basement and rent a space cause this is what I want to do. Things got moved around again. Hollys in on friday and all is grand. All new equipment will be displayed on it's own page as soon as I get the pictures back.

June 2- Battle of The Bands went great. Thanks to all that came and thanks to all that bought a cd from the label. About 110 cds were sold that night. Now it's time for the studio to start welcoming in new artists. New equipment has been ordered and is on it's way which will help to make recording clean. Much thanks and praise goes out to 12 floz, You've been fun to work with. Pictures are being taken and will be up with in the next couple of weeks so you can have a sneak peek into the studio.
May12- Just some cleaning has been done to the page. Holly has committed to recording in the studio and she sounds really excited as am I. According to Holly "I have big plans for us this summer." This will be the cd to get when it's done.
April 30- I'm adding a links page to sites that aren't directly related to the studios but are worth seeing. Check out Shotgun musics webpage. It's a good page for bands looking for managment. It's three girls from falls..well let the page do the talking it's worth a look. I got a demo from Mike Dotin. It's really good I hope I can get him to record with me. And when I say a band is good I mean it. Cause if the band sucks I won't mention them or record them. Mike come record with me I'll make you a quesadilla.
April 25- Hung out with 12 flozs tonight great guys and awesome musicians. You'll be hearing from these guys in the years to come. Chated with Ben from Mel another great guy and no matter what he says I'm still interested in hearing him play. His page is and one of the best band pages I've seen. The annual Battle of the Bands at Tallmadge High School is coming up May 30th come see mission 19 artists Inez, Kevin Mackey and 12 flozs perform, and other greats like Mel and Vegas. Also mission 19 studios will have a demo from Kevin Mackey and Inez out at the show and a full length album from 12 flozs. If your interested in recording E-mail me at the bottom of the page.
March 2- 12 flozs in in the studio and their webpage has been added to the links. Check them out they are really good. New equipment page has been added.
Jan. 7- Well it's been a while since i've done anything in the studio. Took some time off for the holidays. Putting mp3's on the internet isn't easy. I've been working on gettting a few of my songs up on the inez sight to no avail. I'll put something here as soon as I do. Hopefully two more pages will be up tonight. An equipment page for Inez and one for the studio so anyone comine to check it out can see what I have. As soon as I get my film back I'll have new pics up too.
Nov. 22- It's been a while but work has been going on. That's part of the reason for lack of work on the page. Release for Inez's album is Dec 13.
Oct. 23- Talked to more people about recording in my studio. Things ar starting to pick up. Im also becoming increasinly lazy
Oct. 11- Pics page has started and I'll have more pics up soon. Kevin spent the last two days in the studio and has been working hard. Today was a practice with a new drummer and a day to rearrange the studio. A lot more room.
Oct. 8- Today all tracks are completed and ready for production. Cover Art and packaging are the next things to tackle. Kevin Mackey will hopefuly be in the studio the next couple of days to start recording his first album. More to come of that when it happens.
Oct. 10- Scott Lambert of Lust came over and colaberated a song with Inez called "High of 66" This song will be on the avi page as soon as I get it up.
Sept. 25- Another track was recorded tonight. That means all tracks have atleast been started for Inez's cd. I hope to finish the album by the end of this week end. Well see if that actually happen. Talks have also semi started with "The Buchtelite" The University of Akron Paper. Hopefully this will work out and provide much soppurt for the album. Kevin is also talking about starting recording his album. Hopefully this pulls through.
