**No OrDeR**If u wanna be in then tell me!

Kerrie-slap monkeys!dar dar DOH! WILLY WILLY TREE!!eggs....the mixes we made at your house...lmao o wow we have way too many fuckin insiders.bffaeae!

Ashley H-4!lol. low fat house, our walks to Rite-Aid. u were my 1st friend!15 years! Fuck yeah! we hate the TOMMY!!lmao bff!

Janice-need a rise home? :oP lol the lady at New Moon like u the most!!lol wow im soo glad u arent moving to rochester!!lylas

RoSe- AY ROSY TOSY!!loll! summer memos! mr ed, ryan n his caution tape, u n ryan havin burping contests while im sittin in the middle of u 2, nicks posse place,mountain dew, chubby n hick,etc, etc, etc! cosmic bowing...rubber ducky youre the 1! u make bathtime lots of fun! summerz gonna be the shit this yr!! bbf!

Jennine- Ay! ALGERT!! BULLSHIT! LoL!! whew im wayy too hyper in the morning loll!dude we needa hangout more!

Sarah L- yup...b4 skool is lots *o* funn!!! Kal ;o)lolll yur a gr8 friend LyLaS..spongbob roxx

Laura~ayyy!! math n english r lots *o* fun witcha! snowcoming...god i still cant believe u stuck yur head in Sarah's toilet! loll!

Tasha- HEY U SLUTTY WHORE! lol! alex watches child porn! ewww! he should be a rapper when he grows up!!! lmao!wo0o the all~nighter was fun!

Krista~hackeysack volleyball is lots *o* fun! LoL..haha yur a gr8 friend!

Emily-WE ARE ~STILL~ THE LOSERS!LoL 1st hr is fun witcha!

Ashley G- rubber ducky youre the 1 u make bathtime lots of fun!lol

Julie~HeY JeWLie!!! lol! YuR a gR8 FriEnD! GL with Tom!

Candace~haha..the all-nighter: EVERYONE TACKLE KEVIN!...mission impossible in the obstacle course,laughing during The Ring...haha o wow, fun stuff! monkey :oP

AnD a SuPEr Dee DuPeRty hIgH tO~
*Steph J*
*Steph B*
*Amanda g*

All my StOrM gurls, u guys r fuckin awesome..im glad i met all of yaz!! see yew next yearrrrr!

i know i 4got lotz of u ppls so0o tell me if i 4got u and i might add u

$.No OrDeR.$

RYaN~eY!summer was soooo much fun wit ya!!u broke my lace on my capris :( i like being short! lol ahh u belched in my ear! haha! this summer is gonna be the shizernitzerz ;)!haha yur fuckin awesome! bffae!

Alex- U WATCH CHILD PORN! ahhh! u ChiLd MoLeStEr! lmao! jkjk

Darko-SPONGEBOB DOESNT SUCK! youre just JEALOUS of his sexiness! so booyah! lol. god! shutup Darko! lol o wow fun stuff in bio!

Tom- heyy! im glad we still talk! the all nighter was lots of funn! Mission Impossible! the moonwalk! lol fun stuff there! u n Julie r 2 cute! n u have kool hair :oP

Brett- eyy u! yur a koolioz dude! wow u n Eric r quite amusing @ the table lmao0o! omg u can be so retarded tho...!

Eric- yur a gr8 friend! n u do a GREAT impression of Scott LmaO

David-ItS dAvEy!that joke wasnt veryyyy nice!loll haha yur a koolioz person!

Kurt-PATRICK 5 WAY FUCK ROX!!cows go moo!lil miss cumberbunny! i like being short! sex? yes PlEaSe! ah 2 many insiders!miss ya lots u lil 8th GrAdErR! LyLaB next years gunna be fun!

Chris(toph)-TOPHYYY!!! haha bowling was lots *o* fun!! we neeeedd ta do somethin soon lil boy!

Justin- ayy! were kool cuz our b*days r March 7th! lol...n u didnt save me any of your Snickers bar u buttmunch! lol yur a koolioz person!

n a SuPeRty dUpErTy HiGh To~ x Andrew x
x Dru x
x Bruce x
x Sunee x
x Derrek x
x Mike x
x Steve x
x Graham x

All my StOrM boyz~ yur all going to HECK!! lmao o wow u guys r fuckin fun! next yrs gunna be ths shiz!

if i forgot u, lemme kno so i can +add+ ya!

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