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j u s t . a n o t h e r . g i r l



[ w e l c o m e ]

 hello there. welcome to my webpage it is much appreciated that you had come here. PLEASE before going anywhere read my rules!!! also if you want to check up on what's new and all look at the "wazup" column, k? well now i'll let you go off to the links.. you can navigate at the top of the page. have fun, bye.

[ r u l e s ]

Please follow these simple rules for viewing my webpage. 1. DO NOT make fun of anyone here, yeah that's right NO HATERS! 2. DO NOT take any graphics, text, whatsoever UNLESS you're in the "free stuff" section OR i've given you permission. AND FINALLY 3. RESPECT my webpage meaning respect everything on here absouletly everything. thank-you for your cooperation.

[ w a z . u p ? ]

wow today was such a long day for me.. first i uploaded at least 70 pictures and it wasn't easy because first i had to make it smaller because it's so big, then upload it onto angelfire and finally create a page for it! it took me about 3 hours because it took so long just to upload the stupid images .. yup that sucked but anyways it's worth it, so go check it out .. by the way i uploaded a new song it's a midi song but oh well becuz the other song takes too long to navigate X D

i am trying to upload a new song because the song playing right now doesn't fit to how i'm feeling right now. i want to upload u2's song "walk on" but there are just samples and i want the whole song! so if you have any idea where i can get the whole song "walk on" by u2 that would be outstanding, and it takes such a long ass time to upload a song onto my server .. so if anybody know what server i can upload songs onto that is fast please let me know.

ok so i’m awake from my peaceful nap and geez the first thing i do is get online.. talk about getting a life huh? well, actually i don’t one, i mean if you consider going to school every single damn freakin day of your life then coming back home and having to baby-sit the most adorable but roguish little rascals on earth then that’s not consider a life, it’s more like torture. and by the way there’s not just one devils but three! three of them.. but actually one is away in georgia visiting his grandma so there’s 2 right now but what diff does it make? and i shouldn’t be complaining right now cuz they’re all gone now, and i’m all alone and it’s so damn comforting. X D

hell hole.. as you might’ve known today was the first day of summer school and crap, i was so freakin tired bored to death. man those stupid freakin teachers have to make summer school start right after the day we go on summer vacation... but i guess me being the big fat lazy piece of tard that i am ... i freakin quit .. yes! a whole two and one half months of sleeping in late and going to bed at the stroke of dawn.. but crap... freak i’m going to get used by my parents having to stay home and crap.. damn, but at least i’m school free that still rocks.

i am too tired to write here but if you've been here before then you'll probably see that i've made some changes but if this is your first time here there's nothing new to you.. anyways u can tag in the talk box to the right. if you want to see your message you'll have to refresh that page by right clicking then selecting refresh.. oh yeha summer skool started today but i'm sleepy.. also i'm trying to create a blog... but too tired right now.

(note: since i’m trying not to use so much foul language i’ve edited the words.. if you’re offended by it big 5h!t leave now. X D

[ c o o l . s t u f f ]

 link of the month: --this site is cool becuz you can get a pet and it's really addicting. check it out!

 vote for me at hmongzone top 25
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 learn something new
learn how to fold starburst
here for more details.

my qoute:
“i am most afraid when i am alone.”
          -- ahmay

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[ o t h e r . s t u f f ]

created on 04.01.01
© 2001 to susan xiong
thanks grace for the bg