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Welcome To The Offical Site Of The Medina JV Lacrosse Team

2002 Awards Page
Recomended JV Listening
A Tribute To Devin Grella

9/7/04 It's been a while and I haven't even considered making updates for a long time but this one is for a very good friend of mine as well as to many of you. This one is for you Devin.

7/02 Hey, I have a new pole up, I put out the awards, and I put up the recomended jv listening page. Thats all for now, take it easy

6/3/02 Hey, what does everyone think about a dance party tomorrow starting at 4 before the alumni game? Leave something in the guestbook if you think it's a good idea. Later.

5/30/02 Hey guys, I updated the page today but I still definatly need some pictures and some good ideas and votes for the awards page. In the meantime just keep visiting and give me some feedback.

I just started working on this JV page. E-mail me wih any pictures or ideas, we definatly need some dance party pictures and then we can put this site up in the forum and show people what we are all about. Check back here often for information on the bowling team and other stuff like that.

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