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Copied Ian! xdarkXanniex

CREATED 7::5::2002
UPDATED 8::24::2002

Updated some, Jon's off at college, but may be coming back to go to CSU soon. Yeay! Got some new pictures done, but left them at Liv's house. BOO! I'll get them up ASAP. Te amo a todos! ~JT
Created and have 1 image on the photos page. Sooner or later we're going to do a band photo shoot and it'll be fun. Jordy's birthday is monday, send an e-mail by clicking the link below and wish her happy birthday! YEAY! Getting old...eek. ~JT
OLD NEWS 7::17::2002
Updated the bios page, new pictures, Jordy's bio is up and running, James' image-link is there, but his bio isn't up. Keep checking back for updates and stuff! GB ~ JT
Updated the Bios page. ~JT
Welcome to the mcdorkpants homepage. This page will continually be under construction. The soonest things to be up will be bios of the band members, and lyrics. Keep checking back for new stuff.

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